Comedy CriminalsComedy Criminals

Comedy CriminalsComedy Criminals

Latest Episodes

cc8 The Ten Percent Joke
February 01, 2015

Or, does everyone have to get it? Main on Main guests again on Comedy Criminals to talk about those jokes that are funny, but not necessarily to the whole audience.  Do they drive better comedy? Challenge the audience?

cc7 Open Rehearsals and Improv
February 01, 2015

When is a rehearsal really an audition for an improv troupe?  When it's an open rehearsal.  And it makes sense; newbies get a chance to try their chops in a non-threatening, fun situation, get to know the more experienced performers,

CC6 Building Your Own Team
December 08, 2014

More with the Bakers of Funraisers, Inc. in Granger, Indiana.  Dave Kempher and the crew talk about building your own improv team, followed by a game of Good, Bad and Worse Advice.

CC5 Improv with Loved Ones
October 22, 2014

The Bakers (Kristin, Cody and Lauren) from Funraisers, Inc., join us again to talk about the families that improv together and what the benefits are, followed by a round of "Take it Back." cleaning service Boston

CC4b Random improv conversation
October 22, 2014

Sometimes you just have to let the recorder run.  That's what happened here. This is an unadorned, unedited snippet of conversation with the Bakers about SNL, Dave D's sneaky recorder finger, more Walks into a Bar (in which Dave D.

CC4 Improv as ministry, education and training
October 21, 2014

The Bakers - Cody, Kristin and Lauren - of Funraisers, Inc., join us again to talk improv, this time focusing on improv in their church setting, as well as in education and other kinds of training.  All this followed by the Questions Game! -

CC3 Why Aren’t You Funny?
October 21, 2014

Comedy Criminals welcomes Cody, Kristin and Lauren Baker, an improv-ing family and part of a troupe call Funraisers, Inc., to talk about whether or not improv has to be funny all the time, trying too hard and learning to trust your instincts, even when yo

CC2 Kids in improv
October 12, 2014

Improv training for kids and the the alphabet game Dave Kempher explains how kids can be an important part of your improv troupe and demos a great improv game for kids that's easy to understand and doesn't require tons of background knowledge that kid...

CC1 Why Improv? – Comedy Criminals Podcast
September 30, 2014

Improv is a double threat: useful AND fun. Here's the first episode of Comedy Criminals: The Podcast, in which the Comedy Criminals talk about the hows and whys of improv comedy, and have a little fun along the way.  This week's crew is Dave Kempher,
