Marketing TidBits with ComboApp: Mobile App Marketing | Trends | Analytics

Marketing TidBits with ComboApp: Mobile App Marketing | Trends | Analytics

Sleep Disorder Treatment Apps with Melissa Lim, MobileSleepDoc app CEO and Managing Partner

June 17, 2015


This week we feature a special guest, Melissa Lim (, the MobileSleepDoc ( app CEO and Managing Partner. We’re focusing on the app history, marketing challenges Melissa faced when the app was released on a market and how mobile apps help people with a sleep disorder in general.

We also touch upon advantages and disadvantages mobile apps have, compared with other means of a sleep disorder treatment and what possible future lays ahead for mobile as the way to treat sleep problems.

Melissa is a board-certified sleep specialist, entrepreneur, and medical technology executive, who created the first version of MobileSleepDoc Pro mobile app in 2012, after treating hundreds of her own patients and realizing there were thousands more suffering from poor sleep who needed greater access to care and knowledge about their sleep problems. She attended Ohio State University College of Medicine and completed her fellowship training at Johns Hopkins and the University of California, San Francisco. She founded MobileSleepDoc, LLC which is now owned by Somnology, Inc. Dr. Lim in the Chief Medical Officer of Somnology, Inc. and runs a busy private practice in Redwood City, CA, in the the heart of Silicon Valley.

Art Dogtiev,
Head of Branded Content