Columbia Christian Fellowship

Columbia Christian Fellowship

Latest Episodes

"The Story of Stephen"
May 16, 2021

This week:   Text: Acts 6:8-15   Theme: it's another good news bad news scenario -God is using Stephen mightily...sings wonders, miracles through his Spirit filled life -but then...opposition arises -however God is fully with Stephen in the adversity...s.

"The Best Good News Ever"
May 09, 2021

This week: working for Royers...Josh is speaking   Text: selected Scriptures   Theme: The gospel of Jesus Christ is the best  good news ever...this week will be an explanation and application of the gospel

Rumble Strip
May 02, 2021

This week:   Text: Acts 6:1-7   Theme: back to full momentum...the church hits another rumble strip..another attempt of Satan to distract and derail them from the mission -we'll check out how the church responds and if it was effective  

" we go again...?
April 25, 2021

This week:   Text: Acts 5:17-42   Theme: Finally back up and running at peak speed after the Ananias and Sapphira incident and the disciples are again arrested and in trouble with the Law (grin)...we'll look at their response, what they said and what the.

"Church On The Move"
April 18, 2021

This week:   Text: Acts 5:12-16   Theme: Having just recovered from the shocking incident with Anaias and Sapphira, this young, early church begins fast track recovery -supernatural mighty acts of God and regular, vibrant gatherings are again going stron.

Stern Warning
April 11, 2021

This Week:   Text: Acts 5:1-11   Theme: The account of Annanias and Sapphira; -swift harsh consequences for sin; they lost their lives -what really was going on?

Title: CCF 2021 Easter Service and Communion
April 04, 2021

This Week:   Text: selected Scriptures   Theme: self explanatory

Title: CCF 2021 Easter Service and Communion
April 04, 2021

This Week:   Text: selected Scriptures   Theme: self explanatory

March 28, 2021

This week:   Text: Acts 4:32-37   Theme: The believes in Acts were united in a deep caring and concern for one another..."they shared their earthly possessions with one another...there were no needy among them" Along with the supernatural might acts of G.

Stay Together...Pray Together"
March 21, 2021

This week:   Text: Acts 4:23-31   Theme: Once released from prison and the council Peter and John immediately found and joined with the church, who then prayed -from their example we'll look at how believers/the church are to respond to opposition, perse.
