Columbia Christian Fellowship

Columbia Christian Fellowship

Latest Episodes

"Further Thoughts From the Conversion of Saul"
July 25, 2021

Good day gents...   This week:   Text: Acts 9:20-30   -when a person truly becomes a is the natural response to tell others about Jesus -old friends and acquaintances don't always unders

"Selfishness" -- special speaker Dan Beck
July 18, 2021

Hey gang,   This week:   Text: selected Scriptures   Title: "Selfishness" -- special speaker Dan Beck   Theme: Based on personal experience Dan will share with us the depths that selfishness can take

"Lessons From the Conversion of Saul...a comprehensive review"
July 11, 2021

This week:   Text: Acts 9:1-19   Theme: Four lessons from the conversion of Saul...three in new. -lost souls matter greatly to God -God will go to great length to reach one lost soul -God

"The Conversion of Saul...Part II"
July 04, 2021

This week:   Text: Acts 9-10-19   -last week two lessons..."lost souls matter to God" and "God will go to great length to reach one lost soul" -this week two further lessons..."God works through belie

"The Conversion of Saul...the beginning"
June 27, 2021

This Week:   Text: Acts 9:1-9   Theme: Saul has a shocking encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ which is going to lead to his conversion and becoming an on fire follower and servant of Christ Two lessons to be learned -lost souls greatly matter to God -G.

"The Story of Philip...continued"
June 20, 2021

This week:   Text: Acts 8:26-40   Subtitle: "Specific Instructions/Divine Appointments"   Theme: Luke resumes the story of Philip -God speaks clearly to Philip...specific instructions and divine appointments -God also throws some supernatural excitement .

"A Man Named Simon"
June 13, 2021

This week:   Text: Acts 8:9-25   Theme: in the midst of a passage about Simon the sorcerer there comes an invitation and opportunity to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit ☺ -empowerment /anointing for service

"The Story of introduction"
June 06, 2021

This week:   Text: Acts 8:5-8   -Philip was one of the believers scattered north to Samaria -as he told others about Jesus - revival broke out in the city...God used Philip mightily - in this passage...through this introduction to Philip...we are to goin.

"The Story of Stephen...the aftermath"
May 30, 2021

Hey guys,   This week:    Text: Acts 8:1-4   Theme: Stephen's stoning opened the door for a  great wave of persecution to sweep across the church,  a large part of the church flees Jerusalem -we will be briefly introduced to Saul the persecutor before he.

"The Story of Stephen...continued..."
May 23, 2021

This week:   Text: Acts 7:1-60   Theme: Stephen responds to the council's accusations -he recites and rehearses Israel's history and God's dealings with the nation from Abraham to Jesus -but before he can finish the council becomes infuriated and stones .
