A Salty Character

A Salty Character

101-Cold Shower Media

October 21, 2020

My big brother, Steve Cramer of Cramer Basketball took over the hosting role for EP. 101. He asked me about the journey I have been on from starting a run of the mill podcast with a single microphone to now being in business for myself with Cold Shower Media. I learned a lot along the way and believe there is some wisdom to be gleaned from this episode. We talk business, life, faith, and much more!

For more about Cold Shower check out our page or find us on Instagram. We offer Podcast Episodes, blog posts, podcast production, as well as speaking engagements. Links below!

Cold Shower Website-https://coldshowerpodcast.com/



Twitter- https://twitter.com/coldshowerpod

YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwGhxrQY8m1QjXF-PA0j1wg?view_as=subscriber

If you want to start your own podcast and are interested in our help then send an email to taylor@coldshowerpodcast to discuss your potential project!