Coffee With Dad

Coffee With Dad

Latest Episodes

CWD-92 The Present Moment
November 30, 2022

There are moments, times and places, where we find ourselves occupied by our entire brain. We are present in the moment. And that is a good thing. It is good for us to be fully present in those times

CWD Ep-91 Define Your Standards
November 28, 2022

Today we talk about standards. The level of goodness and priority that we strive for and try to exceed or at least not fall below. And what I want to do today is encourage you to set your own personal

CWD-90 We’re Back! Living With Intention
November 10, 2022

It's amazing how we grow impatient with wanting to make changes. The key isn't in dramatic, immediate changes. The key is being consistent with small changes every day. It's living with that kind of i

CWD-89 Keep the Main Things in Place
June 28, 2021

Step one, figure out whats most important in life. Step two, keep those important things on the table all the time. Pretty simple. Lets share a cup and unpack this.

CWD-88 Do Your Best in the Moment
June 16, 2021

Living in the moment is a huge thing that we all take for granted. When you do, amazing things can happen. Today Id like you to learn to focus your efforts on the little things to positively affect t

CWD-87 Pressure Reveals Weakness
June 14, 2021

This was a lesson revealed due to a broken irrigation system. Almost every day you will encounter things that make you uncomfortable, make you feel stressed or basically put you under pressure. These

CWD-86 Consistent Effort Wins Over the Long Haul
May 03, 2021

Doing well, doing your best is essential but to be great you need to be consistent with this effort. And the great thing about this is that everyone is capable of doing this, it doesnt take any speci

CWD-85 Pressure Reveals Weakness
April 19, 2021

Almost every day you will encounter things that make you uncomfortable, make you feel stressed or basically put you under pressure. These situations provide great opportunity for you to better yourself. Let’s dive in to this over coffee today.

CWD-84 You Are Not the Center of the Universe
March 22, 2021

Todays episode was inspired by a commencement address I was made aware of recently. In a nutshell, be conscious of the way you think about the world around you. It really takes an effort to do this.

CWD-83 The Circle of Daily Life
March 17, 2021

What is that force, that process that keeps you moving in a positive direction and keeps you away from the negative direction? Today we take on the things that keep your daily momentum by staying committed to your daily promises. It’s a two-stage process.
