CodingWithMitch Podcast

CodingWithMitch Podcast

Vasiliy Hates Everything about Android

March 18, 2020

1. Why is Vasiliy a hater of all new android things?

2. Don't wrap your identity up with a programming language

3. The importance of honest feedback (reddit can be good)

4. Handling negative feedback

5. Playing to your strengths

6. Interpreting feedback

7. Everyone is easily offended these days

8. Kotlin vs Java?

9. Android is changing so rapidly

10. Kotlin is the future of android

11. The Oracle and Google conflict over Java

12. Kotlin flows and channels 1

13. How to improve coding skills?

14. How to get good at coding (Vasiliy)

15. Structured concurrency and coroutines

16. How to get good at coding (Mitch)

17. Be careful finding a mentor

18. Don't compare yourself with Elon Musk or Jake Wharton

19. Where to learn Unit tests and UI tests?

20. Simplicity is a beautiful thing

21. Conflict resolution

22. Android Community