CodingWithMitch Podcast

CodingWithMitch Podcast

Interviewing a Web Developer and YouTuber

September 27, 2018

Justin has been producing online courses for YouTube, Udemy, and his website for over 5 years.

Right now Justin mainly focuses on web development with Python, Django, React, Angular, Html, css, Bootstrap and Javascript. He also has content on Machine Learning and AI.

I think of Justin as a mentor, teacher, and peer. An odd combination. He's a mentor because he's been producing online content for a longer time than me and has great insights. A teacher because he was the one I learned web development from. And a peer because we're both online content creators.

Justin and I talk about:

  • His life as an "Entrepreneur first, programmer out of necessity"
  • His experiences learning to program and what gave him the confidence to get started
  • Personal business successes and failures
  • How he got started programming
  • The exciting time we live in regarding software development and how it empowers people to do incredible things
  • His experiences with students, answering questions and inspiring others to learn software development