Frazer Holmes Coaching

Frazer Holmes Coaching

Coaching in Asia with Barbara Anderson

May 21, 2015

Asia is the frontier for growth and development, are you part of the Coaching in Asia game? China's economy has now outstripped the USA and India is chasing hard. Coaching is rising up in every Asian nation, rich and poor, so who is set to play a significant part in that development?

Barbara Anderson talks to us about her adventures Coaching in Asia and come of the critical lessons she has learned from working in large corporations in Australia. Ironically, we must first do away with our rich nation, first world idealism... thinking we have the answers. It would be much more helpful to have a conversation as peers, learning from one another.

Barbara has discovered that many of the lessons they are learning are the same as ours.

Episode 51 - Barbara Anderson - Shire Coaching & Training

Title: "Coaching in Asia and lessons from corporate Australia"
Broadcast date: 22nd May, 2015

Show notes (41:50 minutes)

Shire Coaching and Training
Towards Mastery