Frazer Holmes Coaching

Frazer Holmes Coaching

Neuroscience in Coaching with Pieter Rossouw

January 29, 2015

Neuroscience in coaching simply means taking the study of the brain and using it in coaching practice. Who better to talk to than a neuroscientist focusing on the efficacy of coaching - which he calls one of the "talking therapies". Dr Pieter Rossouw served Nelson Mandela in bringing healing to the traumatised nation of South Africa. He says "Talking Therapies" are the bomb when it comes to helping people change their brains - neuroplasticity.

Episode 44 - Pieter Rossouw, Mediros Foundation
Title: "Neuroscience in Coaching"
Broadcast date: 30th January, 2014

Show notes (48:55 minutes)
Here is a copy of that article we referred to in the interview: “The neuroscience of talking therapies†in .pdf form
Get the book “Brainwise Leadership†co-written by Connie Henson at Amazon