Coach Kev Uncensored

Coach Kev Uncensored

Running – Why, When and How

May 20, 2013


Run for your life!  (Literally!)
If you aren't already running, your attitude of running is probably like that of many who don't do it:  I HATE RUNNING!

While I don't necessarily LOVE running most of the time, my wellness journey would not have been possible if running were not an integral piece of my plan.  At 40lbs overweight when I started, and not enough extra money to join a gym, running was the most cost-effective means of getting myself in better shape.
What are the benefits?

Weight loss - Roughly 60% of runners start running to manage their weight as running burns more calories per minute that many other forms of exercise.
Fight disease - Running can reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.  By helping the arteries retain their elasticity and strengthening the heart, your chances of suffering or surviving a heart attack can be significantly reduced.
Improve overall health - Research shows that running can raise your levels of good cholesterol, increase lung function, boost your immune system and lower your risk of developing blood clots.
Relieve stress - High speed sprints can be great when you need to burn off aggression and anger.  Long runs can help get rid of headaches, temporarily remove you from life's problems and even provide time for reflection allowing you to solve some of those problems.
Improve coordination - People who run on trails or uneven surfaces must learn to navigate obstacles.  This leads to developing better control of their bodies which in turn improves balance and coordination.
Strengthen your mind - Aerobic activity has been proven to sharpen your intellect and improve memory function.
Prevent bone and muscle loss - High intensity exercise like running has been proven to promote natural production of the Human Growth Hormone (HGH).  Running also places demands on our skeletal system required to maintain bone health.
Strengthen your mental game - Running is a truly individual sport.  When you hit "the wall" and push through it, you know in your heart that it was YOU, and only YOU, who could have made that happen.

When should I start running?

Immediately - Which means, as soon as your doctor clears you to do so.  'Nuff said?

How do I get started?

Get the right shoes!  Go see a local running store and have them "fit" you for shoes that match your style of running.  Everyone has a different stride, and your shoes can make a huge difference in your overall success.  Take it from me, someone who has wasted countless dollars on "cheap" or "inexpensive" running shoes.  I have even purchased expensive shoes that cause my plantar fasciitis to flare up and get worse because the support in those shoes did not match what my feet required.  Save yourself a lot of time, money and frustration:  Get fitted by a pro!  If you are in NorthEast Ohio, I strongly recommend Second Sole in Rocky River.  These people are my heroes!
Know your limits - It's going to take a few weeks for your body to get strong enough.  Give it time and don't try to do too much too fast.  THIS is the number one reason people fail when attempting to begin a running program.
Couch to 5k - This is a phenomenal interval running program.  You begin walking with some light jogging intervals thrown in and gradually increase the running intervals as the weeks progress.  This is how I began running!
Get an app - There are numerous apps for iPhone and android available.  Pick one that looks good to you.  If you have used one in the past, please post a comment below and help the newbies select a good one.

Running may very well be one of the most natural, perfect ways to stay fit on the planet.  Most of us are born with the ability to do it.  Some will have more challenges than others.  If running is something you'd like to try, talk to your doctor and get the "all clear".  Once you have that, there are no more excuses.  Start slow, be consistant, be smart, and success will be yours.