Coaching Really Works - with Abe Stone

Coaching Really Works - with Abe Stone

7 Things to Remember When You Feel Your Life is Not Moving Forward

December 23, 2015

Imagine preparing to move forward with your plans to relocate to France in the near future, but your realize you may need to adjust those plans. This happened to a friend of mine in wake of the recent tragic events in Paris.

Upset personal plans may seem trivial in contrast with the pain and suffering inflicted on those living in Paris, but they are extremely important in their own personal way, because life has a way moving forward with or without us.
In this Video:
00:55 - Does This Frustrate You
01:10 - Tip From My Coach
01:24 - Life Has Its Seasons
01:36 - This Won't Last Forever
01:50 - Action Step: Change Your Story
02:50 - Acceptance
03:40 - Work?
03:56 - Learn, Learn, Learn, and Grow
04:21 - Fuddruckers or an Elephant
03:48 - Quote from - Sara Ban Breathnach
04:15 - Affirmation to Help You Move Forward
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Right now it's winter, right? It's Christmas season, everyone is having a great time, it's time for friends and family, for giving, for loving, for caring.

But in your life, what is it that you are going through? Are you having a difficult time?

Is there something that you're facing that you are not willing to accept, you don't want to be there? You want to be able to move on, you want to find some success, some new progress, you're waiting for the New Year to start so that you can tackle that new thing that you want to do, or move in a new direction in your life, set new goals.

There is something important that we often tend to forget and that is that life has its seasons, life has its ups and downs.
Does This Frustrate You
I was talking with my coach the other day and she brought up the topic of seasons; well actually, I brought it up because I was a little bit frustrated, I was just frustrated about where I was and some areas that I wanted to grow in and I wanted to move forward and a decision I had to make that put me under a little bit more stress and a little bit more work that I had to do than what I wanted, in a direction that’s not exactly what I want to be in or I want to be doing.
Tip From My Coach
But she reminded me, “Look, it's only for a season, not everything comes into our lives and stays.”

Now I want to give you seven reminders when you feel like life is sort of weighing you down and it's keeping you at an uncomfortable place, a place you would rather not be.

1. Life Has Its Seasons
Remember, life has its seasons, just accept this fact and learn to not be so upset or frustrated when you're in one of the places that you would rather not be.

2. This Won't Last Forever
You need to just know that it is not going to last forever. No matter how bad it is, no matter how difficult it seems to be, no matter how frustrated you are.
3. Your Life Moves with the Words That You're Speaking
This is more of an action step, which I think you can take, but if you learn to change your story, your life moves with the words that you're saying.

Rather than saying things like,
Things will never change.”
That’s impossible.”
Will my life ever change? Am I ever going to get out of this?”
Talk to your mind and just say,
Thank you for sharing."
Let it do its thinking, I mean it's not you, sometimes it's just mental activity.

Then ask questions like,

How true is it that the things never change?

Just start looking in your past, ask questions like,

How have things changed in the past?
What things have I made it through in the past?

Or ask a very simple question, an action question,

What is one small thing that I can do today to change my situation?

Or, simply ask,

Who can I enroll to help me in this change that I need for the new direction that I want to go?