Coaching Really Works - with Abe Stone

Coaching Really Works - with Abe Stone

5 Easy Steps to Gain Back Your Confidence, and Belief

June 24, 2016

I hear you saying, "But I can't have that (fill in the blank), because (fill in the excuse)." How about "I'm too _____ to ever be good at _____."

Some of these beliefs about yourself are a little less logical but just as limiting. "He never listens to me." "She's not will to do this or that for me." Your story could be drastically changed with some simple challenging questions.
In this Video:
00:25 - Limits You May Have Set and Believe
00:46 - The Sources of Learned Limitations
01:20 - Byron Katie's Formula Passed Down to Me
01:35 - Identify It and Ask This Question
01:54 - The Challenge
02:15 - Connecting to the Effect
02:28 - A Peek at Possibility
02:40 - Ready to Believe Your Choice
03:04 - Quote from - Les Brown
03:26 - Affirmation to Move You Forward
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I want to give you something special today and this is about limiting beliefs.
Limits You May Have Set and Believe
You know those things where you say, "Oh, I am not good at this." Or "I have never done this, so I don't know how.”

There are those money ones, how, about those money ones like "Ahh, money doesn't grow on trees.” Or, “Ah! It's better to be poor and happy, the rich and unhappy.”
The Sources of Learned Limitations
There is a certain reason we have some of these beliefs, some of them were fed to us from our parents, some of the ones we have learned as we have experienced things, we have experienced loss or pain in some ways it’s kind of held us back.

We have decided, "Well this is the way it is." "I am not smart." "I'm not smart enough to do this." "I am not good at Math"; whatever the case is.

These things don't have to be that way, those are just a story that you are telling yourself. Now I have posted some other posts on this before, please go ahead and check them out, I will try to put the list down below this post.
9 Things Not to Say To Your Child or Yourself
Overcome Obstacles Using Positive Reframing Practically
Align these 3 Things and Succeed Faster
15 Things Not to Believe and 15 You'll Want To
How to Start Living Your New Story Today
HaBits - Beliefs -Eagles
Byron Katie's Formula Passed Down to Me
But today, I want to give you a very simple five step process that you can use. It's actually four clear questions and then an action step for you to take. Okay, this is not from me, this is something that I have been learning about recently, it's from Byron Katie and it's something that my coach Janice Bastani did with me, an exercise that we did together and I would like to share it with you right now.

So here goes.
1. Identify It and Ask This Question
Take a pen and paper and write down that belief, whatever it is. Let's say for example, you are working towards a holiday. "Oh, I can't take a break."

The first question in that case is: Is that true? You are going to be tempted to say yes, it's impossible to think of it in any other way. Just answer the question,