Coaching Really Works - with Abe Stone

Coaching Really Works - with Abe Stone

5 Things That Will Get You Out of That Funk (and On Your A Game)

May 05, 2016

Whether it's a dip your energy midday or a deep dissatisfaction with what your life or your work have become, there is a way out.

Here are some big picture keys, as well as some small life hacks that you can use to pull out of that funk even if it seems to be there to stay.
In this Video:
00:53 - What's Love Got to Do With It?
01:24 - When You Really Know Why You Wanna Cry
02:04 - A Mentor Shocked Me With This One
02:34 - The 50/5 Rule
02:55 - The Reset Button That Makes It All Possible
03:55 - Quote from - Robin Sharma
04:15 - Affirmation to Move You Forward
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Do you know that feeling, of “Life is sort of humdrum, I don't really like what I am doing”, you're just sort of like COASTING along and you're not really engaged in life, you're not engaged in what you're doing?

Well, I have five tips here for bringing your game, bringing whatever you do UP TO WORLD-CLASS; whether you are a business owner, owning your own business and engaging in creating products, or you work at a company and you have to take care of what seems like a mundane routine part of the system that’s keeping that company helping on providing for other people.

Or maybe you are a parent raising a family or in your relationships, whatever it is, I have five tips to BRING THE BEST OF YOURSELF into wherever you are in the workplace, in your family, whatever it is that you are doing.
1. You Look Forward to What You Love
I recommend that you do what you LOVE to do, okay? And I know it sounds a little bit cliché, work where your PASSION is. Some people say well you just have to work hard, you just have to find something that either makes money or gets the results and I think it's a little bit of a CROSS between the two and in some cases you may have to do something that you don't really love for a period of time.

But even then, you can be engaged and you can really give it YOUR BEST. I would say work towards finding something that you really enjoy doing, I think that really makes a difference in bringing your A game.

2. Your "Why" Should Make Your Cry
The second tip that I have is have a VISION for what you do, okay. Even if you’re having to work through something that's not your favorite or where you want to be, know that it's getting you somewhere. You want to provide for your family and you want to be able to give them the BEST that life has for them or you want to help a company to reach some amazing goals that you really personally believe in.

Or you’re a business owner, you want to create a product that's going to IMPACT these people in an amazing way. Have a CLEAR vision of where you're going; maybe you want to reach a certain amount of money so that you can invest in something very important.

Whatever it is, have a vision and that vision turns around the MOTIVATION and the reason for why you are there. Your why should make you cry.

3. The Way You Do Anything is the Way You Do Everything
Now the next one is remember, just remember this simple thing when you are down and you're not really doing well, how you do anything is how you do EVERYTHING. So if you're cutting corners, you're showing up late, things are disorganized, you don't really plan well or you don't really take the time to take care of yourself and invest in yourself so you can do your best, it’s not going to be just in your workplace, is not going to be just in your job, it’s going to bleed into OTHER areas of your LIFE, into your relationships, and your family, into your personal time, and vice versa.

4. Use the 50/5 Rule
Number four is the fifty five rule. Do fifty minutes of WORK, take a five minute BREAK. Science has been showing more and more that our attention span and our a...