Coaching Really Works - with Abe Stone

Coaching Really Works - with Abe Stone

5 Things You Want to Do When You Need Life to Be Simpler [infographic]

March 25, 2016

I remember a few years ago, feeling it awesome to get a smart phone. I thought, "This will make life simpler." And I was in touch with all my communications, emails, and apps almost instantly.

Then just a couple of months ago a friend gave me a smartwatch which a buzzed to my arm and I was able to see all my notifications even faster, with a flick of my wrist. This ended up driving me crazy and I discovered reason why.
In this Video:
00:40 - Is This Little Gremlin Complicating Things for You?
01:00 - Even an Optimist Can Do This
01:20 - Two Books That Can Change Your Perspective and Focus
01:50 - Is Phone Screaming At You? (Science Insight)
02:30 - Kick Perfectionism to the Curb
02:52 - Relationships Should Support You
03:33 - Quote from Joyce Meyer
03:52 - Affirmation to Help You Move Forward
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I came across an awesome little info graphic the other day, and it says, "How to live the simple life for an entrepreneur."

But, forget entrepreneur, I think it's a great way to live a simple life for ALL of us. Now there's several things on there that are pointed out that you can do. And I picked 5 of them that I'm personally working on.

A couple of them that I actually do already. Which - wow - they've just really changed my life, and I'd like to share them with you right now. And you can have a look at the infographic below. It's from Anna Vital at the
1. Let Go Of the Past
Just learn to let go of the past. I think one of the best ways to let go of the past is whenever that gremlin kinda creeps up in the back of your mind and starts talking to you, just say, "Well thank you for sharing." And you STOP RESISTING, you stop trying to shut it out and trying to quiet that mind or quiet the thing that's trying to talk to you or make you feel guilty. And just say, "Thank you for sharing."
2. Learn to Say No
This is another one which - ahh - I'll have to admit, I'm not doing too well in. But I think you could really benefit from it. And I know I can, so I'm going to keep working on this. And that is, learn to SAY NO, okay? There are so many engagements, so many people want our time,

"Hey, you want to come out for dinner?"


"Hey, we're doing this, could you come and help us out with this?"

Or at work,

"Hey, you know - we're doing - we need someone else on this team. We've got this project that we're trying to do."

But you've got something else that YOU'RE FOCUSING on, and you need to give your attention to that. Just learn to say, "No," and you'll discover that by focusing on the thing that you need to do, is where you're going to have the biggest impact.

I recently read the book, The One Thing. It really helps you to under-- To clarify that idea of being able to say, "No."

Another great read on the topic is, Essentialism.

3. Turn Off Phones (and Notifications)
Alright, now this is one that I've really been getting into in recent years, and I actually heard something recently - that the science behind this is amazing. But turn off your phone, okay?

Now they say that in the science about this - when you hear a phone ring - neurologically- biologically, in your brain what's happening - it's the same as if you heard someone SCREAMING. The reaction that your brain goes through, it's exactly the same.

So, you want to minimize those kinda things that are interrupting you and grabbing at your TIME. I've even come to the point where I turn off all of my notifications. So if I want to go and check messages,