Coaching Really Works - with Abe Stone

Coaching Really Works - with Abe Stone

3 Ingredients for Creating the Most Amazing Life Possible [Infographic]

February 24, 2016

I love that awesome feeling when I'm trying to figure something out and I finally "get it"? Do you sometimes have trouble getting in the flow and connecting the dots between what you read and what you experience or put into practice?

I had that experience when working with my coach Janice this morning. I realized I was not connecting some things I'm doing to my future goals and it was leaving me muddled. I want to share an amazing infographic with you about FLOW. It has some great ideas for connecting some of those dots you may be struggling with.
In this Video:
00:10 - This is Not the Flow We are Talking About
00:36 - What is That State of Being In Flow
01:22 - Create These Kinds of Goals
01:57 - Practice ______ Now
02:22 - Listen to Your Story and Live the One You want
02:48 - Quote from - J. Robert Oppenheimer
03:05 - Affirmation to Move You Forward
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Have you heard of this word “flow”.

Now I know a lot of people talk about just going with the flow, doing what other people are doing, you know stop resisting, just sort of surrender yourself to what's happening and I think there's a certain amount of wisdom in that and I think it's a great when we are living in a state where we have contentment and we have acceptance, even if things are difficult, but we work with the challenges that we are facing and we’re going forward and we are not resisting them.

But there is another aspect of flow, you know that state where you get it and you're just excited, you're doing something and it's a pleasure, you're not stressed out, you're not worried, you're not under a lot of pressure, you're just kind of going with it and you're working hard, you're happy, you're excited.

Well, that's what some people call flow and I really like that.

I love that idea and I feel it often when I sit down to work and I just hook into just the right thing that I should be doing at that time and it makes such a difference to be in that state.

Well I'm going to put an infographic that I found from the guys over at Mindvalley (not an affiliate link) and I think it's a great infographic and it helps to kind of put a few different things into perspective, to get into that state where we find that balance that we need in our life.

But right now I just want to give you three tips for getting in a state of flow.
1. Create End Goals
Be sure you have goals that are moving you forward.

They're not just a means to an end, they are not just, you know I'm going to get this kind of a job, or, I'm going to stay away from this, or I'm going to avoid that. Because those are things that are sort of helping you on the journey, but rather to set goals that are going to reach a destination, a very clear destination.

I want to be living in this kind of a situation, or I want to be able to find this kind of a soul mate or I want this kind of a job or work that I want to be involved in and very active in.
2. Practice Happiness
Now the second one is practice happiness now.

Stop deferring happiness ‘til that goal; okay and it's a fine balance. You've got to keep the goal, you've got to keep the vision because you're moving forward, but you've also got to be present and you've got to be happy now.

And there's so many little things that can make you happy now.