Coaching Process Wins

Coaching Process Wins

Latest Episodes

THE MORNING WALK-THROUGH #58 – Football is made up of the little things, and everything’s the little things.
August 16, 2017

I had a conversation today with a football coach that admitted he had forgotten a certain facet in the teaching of a scheme. Automatically the following came out of my mouth: "You know the game has a way of humbling us,

THE MORNING WALK-THROUGH #57 – A coach’s duty in 40 characters or less
August 15, 2017

Todd Gongwer pretty well sums up what a coach does and is in 40 characters or less

THE MORNING WALK-THROUGH #56 – This is what football coaches ought to be standing up for to protect the game.
August 15, 2017

Yes, our game of football is under attack. Yes, the main "villain" is the concussion topic. And yes, because of head injuries our game has become safer and is definitely taught better today. Proponents of saving our game keep pointing to the verbal def...

THE MORNING WALK-THROUGH #55 – A Work-Around: A plan or method to circumvent a problem.
August 13, 2017

The Webster's definition of a work-around: of a plan or method to circumvent a problem (as in computer software) without eliminating it. - Another way of putting it: Impromptu procedure developed to counteract unanticipated problem or shortcoming in a...

THE MORNING WALK-THROUGH #54 – People seldom see the halting and painful steps by which the most insignificant success is achieved.
August 11, 2017

The quote in the title seems it would be suited for a Vince Lombardi  like comment in a motivational speech. If I closed my eyes and closely listen to the words in the quote I would imagine they are referring to the practice rituals performed from of a...

THE MORNING WALK-THROUGH #53 – Hellen Keller, A Football Coach, Vision, and Expectations
August 10, 2017

Hellen Keller would have been a heck of a coach. I hold onto her words and thoughts and what she was able to achieve in the face of long odds against her. - The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be ...

THE MORNING WALK-THROUGH #52 – It ain’t a job, and it sure ain’t a grind. It’s coaching
August 08, 2017

Ed Orgeron sums it up pretty well. - “I’ve never thought that coaching was a job. I’ve dug ditches for Lafourche Telephone Co. I’ve shoveled shrimp. THOSE are jobs.” - If you've coached very long, and have been doing it for the right reasons,

August 07, 2017

If you assume that there is no hope, you guarantee that there will be no hope.  If you assume that there is an instinct for freedom, that there are opportunities to  change things, then there is a possibility that you can contribute to making a bette...

August 07, 2017

Character Wins! —A Football Journey with Darrick Ware An athlete's journey to winning character Every week  The Coaching Process Wins podcast will devote its time to diving deep into the previous #TXHSFBCHAT.

THE MORNING WALK-THROUGH #50 – Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil
August 06, 2017

We are never going to live life in the future — but we can plan We are never going to live life in the past — but we learn Present. Life is a Present — We DO live there Psalm 23 1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.