Weekly Sync

Weekly Sync

4G, It Has Arrived For Me

January 09, 2014

Well as some of you might remember a piece I wrote on the 4G network that was getting a lot of buzz a little while ago. I would like to return to that topic now and let you in on a few experiences since writing that article. 


The Need For Speed

As many of you out there will be aware that currently the biggest thing on any smartphone users mind when they choose their network is how fast is their data connection? Obviously you would also pay attention to factors like cost, allowance and stability, but speed certainly topped my list when I considered a 4G carrier. 

For example so many people these days use services to stream media to their phone or tablet and for these to work well a fast connection is needed. So when i started really getting into my streaming services like iTunes Match, Netflix and LoveFilm Instant, I knew 4G was the way forward. 


My Deal

Well my network has been O2 for some years now, partly due to the fact that i used to work for them between 2009-2011. From that I gained a very decent staff plan for my phone which had unlimited 3G data. Now as lovely as that is I wanted more from my phone so a negotiation had to take place. So I called them up and asked about 4G plans which currently operated in a few cities over the UK, they offered to keep most of my original plan barring one change, the removal of unlimited data. Which obviously would be ridiculous to offer forever, so I was not surprised. They gave me 8 gigabytes of 4G data per month plus my normal call plan options for £20 per month. I believe the price for this deal is worth around £27 per month, though I should point out the full price I mention does not include the price an o2 customer pays per month for the purchase of the phone or tablet.

Check out the deals for 4G plans across all networks here. Theo Merz put this piece together for The Telegraph back in August 2013, still useful reading nonetheless. If you are fed up of slow network speeds and you live in a major city then I strongly suggest you contact your local network provider regarding 4G.


Has 4G Changed Things For Me?

Simple answer, YES!!! For example being able to get all my social accounts constantly updated and in synch with each other always in as busy a city as London is truly magnificent. Add to my insatiable need for podcasts to make the days commute go easier, 4G truly makes it a breeze to get my news and comedy into my ears quickly.

Also streaming of video content through the services like Netflix and LoveFilm are very stable when out and about. A word of warning your data is used much more quickly on 4G than on 3G networks. So watching a video through cellular data could be a danger to your allowance if your plan has a small amount to play with. Most networks have an application you can download to monitor your current allowances for calls, data and messaging. Keep this in hand when you are new to using 4G.


4G Spread

If you are curious to know how wide spread the 4G system is then do check this out from worldtimezone.com. It shows a map of the world and the various networks types that operate in each region.  Should point out this does not show individual cities that currently have 4G. One should also check out this piece by Kevin Fitchard from GIGAOM written in August 2013, that talks about the current lacking in 4G coverage globally. One can only hope that as our needs for fast and stable data increases the investment is given to truly bring us out of the dark ages and let us become a true global data community.