Capturing Life Through Technology Podcast | Journaling, Photography and Social Media

Capturing Life Through Technology Podcast | Journaling, Photography and Social Media

CLTT Episode #3: Four Ways To Digitize Your Handwritten Journals

May 17, 2013

Episode #3 is here! Listen to Sam give four different ways to turn your handwritten journals into digital files. This is only a beginning of the possibilities, but he does a great job of laying out the main options. And, by the way, THIS is the episode that finally convinced me to start looking for help in digitizing all thirty years' worth of handwritten journals. Yes, closets and boxes full of them! I'll be sharing more about this in future episodes, but THIS one is where I got my inspiration.

As always, leave your comments and questions in the comment section below.

Capturing Life Through Technology: Episode #3
Four Ways To Digitize Your Handwritten Journals

* Use a Flat Bed Scanner
* Use a Scanner App for Smartphones and Tablets

* CamScanner Plus

* Use a Transcription Service

* How Much to Charge for Transcribing Books |

* Use a Book Scanning Service


A bonus method mentioned in the comments by Polly is a wand scanner , so here's a link to one that's on amazon.

Note: A quick web search for 'Book Scanning' will show you some amazing new inventions/innovations that are being developed to help digitize books in general. Hopefully these will get fine tuned in the near future and more accessible for our handwritten journals!