Capturing Life Through Technology Podcast | Journaling, Photography and Social Media

Capturing Life Through Technology Podcast | Journaling, Photography and Social Media

How To Make Family Video Slideshows (Podcast)

July 14, 2013

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Photo Credit – Sam Lytle

Making video slideshows of pictures may not be as popular as it was 5-10 years ago but it is still a powerful way to capture stories and history in a creative and fun way. With the smartphones, tablets and cameras we all carry around now it is even easier to get a good group of pictures with which to make a great video from. Additionally, the apps available on these devices as well as computers and laptops make it possible for almost anyone with any level of expertise to make video slideshows.

For 6 years I made video slideshows for my extended family each year before Christmas. It was a ton of fun to do and especially to enjoy together when it was all done. And now that the videos have had time to age they are even more precious to all of us.

In this episode of the Capturing Life Through Technology Podcast I dive into how and why I did these videos and how and why you should do them as well. Of course my situation is unique and I understand that it may make more sense for you to do a scaled down approach to these types of family videos. You can also do them on a event basis such as a vacation to Hawaii or a wedding.

The only major note for this podcast is that I mentioned how I created a single site where I embeded all of these family videos into a single place. You can check it out here, but don’t be creepy about it or I’ll have to take it down!

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