Closure Optional

Closure Optional

Closure Optional Ep. 52 – Back to the Centre

April 21, 2019

In this episode I’m talking about how to get yourself untangled from the tentacles of life, good and bad, through examining a phrase one of my trainers taught me in Muaythai. I discuss the ways that we can lose ourselves in Cults and bullshit, how this works in fighting, and how I think it’s probably ok that I fell off the sobriety wagon last week in Bali.
Reference LINKS:

* Dieselnoi vs Sagat (Old school, Muay Khao)
* Saenchai (Muay Femeu)
* Albert Tu’ua (This is not the fight I’m talking about, that one was at Destiny on April 13th 2019, but its still a good example of how good Albert Tu’ua is)

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This podcast is made possible by Burleigh Heads and Broadbeach Physiotherapy, Heart Start Fitness Muay Thai and YOU, the listener, at bremner.

Closure optional Theme is created by Kurt Chatfield.