Cottage Notebook's Podcast

Cottage Notebook's Podcast

CLN Podcast Episode 8 with Angelina Panozzo

February 04, 2017

Hello and welcome to the CLN podcast. Episode 8 is here with a very special guest Angelina Panozzo aka Gamer Crafting. With a background in music, years of experience in the yarn industry in a few different countries and a strong interest in gaming, I know this is one interview you will be listening to more than once.

It’s time for you to put the kettle on, grab your knitting and make yourself comfortable.  Today’s show is a fun filled 50 minutes, perfect for blocking off some knitting time for you. So, come on and let’s meet the wonderful Angelina Panozzo.
 You can also find the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and Player FM. While you’re having a listen, why not leave a review and let us know what you think!
Angelina is no stranger to podcasts, in fact, she is my first guest that had a podcast of her own (Women in Music) and has interviewed both Jennifer Rowley and Jessica Curry. Having moved country, unfortunately, time hasn’t allowed her to continue with the podcast but you can listen to her in this amazing YouTube video, Final Fantasy XV Live at Abbey Road Studios!!!!

Gamer Crafting
Angelina launched Gamer Crafting Yarns on Etsy in 2016 and has continued to grow this with the same passion she takes to everything she loves.  Angelina works as a content manager for a yarn company which led to writing a blog series on yarn dying, she became so intrigued and inspired it led to many experiments and the start of her yarn dying career. Combining her love of games with yarn, all the skeins in her shop are dyed around a gaming/sci-fi theme.
Flame Elemental – World of Warcraft themed hand dyed yarn, 50g alpaca and silk DK weight
Angelina has also designed patterns that are available on both LoveKnitting and but this year Angelina wants to focus on her own self-published book. I’m really excited about this and hopefully, we can follow along on