Clearent Connects

Clearent Connects

Merchant Spotlight: Mike's Grillhouse, Modesto CA.

June 12, 2020

On this episode of Clearent Connects we feature Chris Greene, Owner of Mike’s Grillhouse in Modesto, California. In the face of COVID-19, Chris had to shut down dine-in service for his restaurant that was heavily dine-in based. Chris embraced the idea of “getting comfortable with being uncomfortable” in this new climate. In this episode he shares how he leveraged technology and social media to not only get his business through, but to find new “contactless” engagement with his customers that he didn’t have before. Listen and learn as Chris shares ways to work smarter, not harder to survive and thrive.

Clearent Connects is the in-house podcast for Clearent, your partner for payments. Each week, we’ll explore what happens when a customer puts their card into a terminal or clicks “Buy Now” online. Featuring interviews with technology experts and stories from small business owners, we are here to share tips and strategies on keeping your business growing with the changing times and technology. 

Contact our team to learn more about contactless payments!

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