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Clean Green Talk Show | Green Living  | Clean Living | Organic |  All-Natural Food | Organizing

90: Author Sophia Ruan Gushee A to Z of D-Toxing

December 22, 2015

Detoxification expert and author Sophia Ruan Gushée joins us on our radio show to discuss detoxification and how taking simple steps towards detoxing your body and home can be beneficial.  Her new book, A to Z of D-Toxing: The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Our Toxic Exposures -- endorsed by Dr. Frank Lipman and wellness expert Elena Brower -- is an easy-to-read guide for individuals and families to reduce their exposures to toxins and their potentially harmful effects on our health and our environment. 
Sophia is an encyclopedia of knowledge in all areas of detoxification and is available to discuss various aspects of the process. A few topics include:
• Family Environments: How to detoxify and naturally clean your nursery or children's rooms, play rooms,  kitchen and family areas
• Holiday Detox:  How to make this holiday season a happy and healthier environment
• New Year's Resolutions: Simple steps you can take to start the new year in a healthier way
• Immunity Boosters: How to naturally restore your body's health and resiliency during cold and flu season
• Digital "D-Tox": How to strategically reduce exposure to electronics to improve physical and mental health 
Her web site:
Facebook: Sophia Ruan Gushee
Twitter: @sophiagushee