Clean Green Talk Show | Green Living | Clean Living | Organic | All-Natural Food | Organizing

Clean Green Talk Show | Green Living  | Clean Living | Organic |  All-Natural Food | Organizing

113: Patricia Bragg Shares Her Clean Green Lifestyle

July 05, 2016

 Patricia has been health a pioneer for decades. The  Bragg company campaigns for a diet and lifestyle that is focused on natural live foods and a healthy regime for a vital and long life. These ideas, based around natural and organic foods, are gaining praise and acceptance world-wide. The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle Motto: "You are what you eat, drink, breathe, think, say and do". This is Patricia's second visit to Clean Green Talk. You can listen to her first interview in episode #50. In this interview you get to hear a little more about her private life and some of the celebrities she has helped in the past, including Steve Jobs and Katy Perry. Patricia has a wonderful, caring personality and she is  motivated every day to keep getting the word out about how to live a healthy lifestyle. I wanted to talk with Patricia about water and discuss her book: Water, The Shocking Truth. She shares with us some of the principles in the book and reasons that we should purify our water.    Along with being with me on this interview, Patricia has giving you a "freebies" which is a handout called "What is Apple Cider Vinegar?" It is a three page handout that answers all your questions about ACV and it's just for you from Patricia. You can either text me at the number 44222 with the message "download 113" or you can click this link and enter your email address and I will send it to you right away.