Clean Green Talk Show | Green Living | Clean Living | Organic | All-Natural Food | Organizing

Clean Green Talk Show | Green Living  | Clean Living | Organic |  All-Natural Food | Organizing

99: Ask The Cleaning Coach

March 15, 2016

Leslie loves answering her fans cleaning questions. Listen in as she helps four of her listeners figure out easy ways to clean. If you have a question, you can call 1-800-232-5089 and leave a message with your cleaning question. If your question is chosen - you may be a guest on the show! 
You can also go to to watch videos and sign up for Leslie's video tips that give you 10 Simple Steps To A Clean Green Home.
Leslie's book: The Joy of Green Cleaning is available on Amazon as a hard copy or Kindle. It contains 101 easy DIY recipes so that you can take the toxic cleaners out of your  home.