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Clean Green Talk Show | Green Living  | Clean Living | Organic |  All-Natural Food | Organizing

93: Andrew Lewin from Speak Up For Blue

January 26, 2016

Andrew Lewin is a marine ecologist and founder of, where he teaches people how to live for a better Ocean. He raises awareness of Ocean Issues, educate them on the Oceans and their species and inspire them to implement action (via the Speak Up For Blue Podcast). He is also mentor aspiring marine conservationists on how they can get a career in Ocean Conservation.
Andrew started because he quickly realized that there weren’t many resources on the oceans, their issues, and the solutions to reduce/eliminate the issues.
He has been able to connect with many people within the industry and outside to help them realize how they can live for a better ocean. Andrew’s future goal is to create an Ocean Science and Conservation Media Company that will be able to reach people through various online platforms (You Tube, Digital Magazines, Podcasts, Live Feeds).

Questions Andrew answers:

Why people don’t know about the solutions to Ocean’s problems
What people can do to implement solutions
How can people get inspired to implement solutions
How can people get over the overwhelm of Ocean Issue
For more information you can go to the Speak Up For Blue Podcast or their website:

Go to to download his free brochure: 10 Ten Tips For Conserving The Ocean.