Classical Classroom

Classical Classroom

Latest Episodes

Classical Classroom, Episode 199: Jack of All Emotions - the Music of Elliott Carter with the JACK Quartet
April 08, 2019

You don't know jack...about Elliott Carter. But you're about to!

Classical Classroom, Episode 198: Music Education Month - Idyllwild Arts
April 01, 2019

If music education had a dream of what it could be, this place would be it.

Classical Classroom, Episode 197: Music Education Month - The Village School
March 25, 2019

It takes a village to make music education a priority.

Classical Classroom, Episode 40: Simone Dinnerstein Goes Bachpacking (Rerun)
March 17, 2019

A grass roots music education program from a Billboard chart-topping pianist.

Classical Classroom, Episode 195: Music Education Month - Washington Performing Arts
March 04, 2019

Education programs to die for. (Yes, you can steal that tagline, WPA.)

Classical Classroom, Episode 194: Mason Bates on the Opera-fication of Steve Jobs
February 22, 2019

The (r)evolution will be opera-ized.

Classical Classroom, Episode 193: Bach in the Underground with Cellist Dale Henderson
February 17, 2019

Here a Bach, there a Bach, everywhere a Bach Bach...

Classical Classroom, Episode 191: Talkin' About the Blues (Dialogues) with Rachel Barton Pine
February 04, 2019

RBP's project to bring attention to black composers has been 15 years in the making.