Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

Ep. 33: No more grading at home - Class Dismissed

January 11, 2018

A year ago, January 2017, Catlin Tucker made an ambitious New Year's Resolution. She decided to no longer bring grading home.  The California English Teacher says she loved her job, but she resented having to grade papers during her personal time.
"It really robbed me of the time that my kids want with me.  You know, I have a nine and a ten-year-old and they want my attention. And it robbed me of that time and space and ability to relax and be creative that drives a lot of my lesson and project design.

Tucker, an avid blogger, and author of several blended learning books decided to put her blended learning models to the test and see if she could create time in the classroom and make assessments real-time as a conversation between her and her students.

Tucker managed to pull it off, "I have yet to take a stack of grading home, said Tucker."
How did she do it?
Tucker says she used three blended learning models.

* Station Rotation Model
* Flipped Classroom
* The Whole Group Rotation Model

To take a deep dive into each of Tucker's methods, listen to Episode 33.

Tucker says there are not a lot of credentialed programs that support teachers in learning about the different blended learning options.

"What are the different models? When would I use a station rotation and what would that look like? And when would I use Flipped Classroom and what would that look like?"

Tucker is not planning an education-related resolution for 2018, but she wants educators to ask themselves WHY they're in the classroom. You can read her thoughts on that here.

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