CJ's Kids Club

CJ's Kids Club

Real Life Whodunnit: Help Us Catch A Furry Spy!

January 03, 2014

We have a real life mystery – a whodunnit – on our hands here at CKC Headquarters. The problem is that we can’t agree on whodunnit or why!

What Happened

A last minute text had us scurrying to volleyball practice yesterday. We didn’t have much time and so CJ left his work area as-is. Laptop open, resource material nearby, and work-in-progress paused.

Daniel heard the laptop beeping like someone was messing with it when he got home but the area was clear when he checked it out.

This morning, CJ found a new instance of Audacity (our favorite audio program) open and this recording saved on it. Daniel’s hunch that the cats had been in CJ’s work area was confirmed by hard evidence: the culprit recorded him or herself snooping around and talking!

Please note that we haven’t modified the audio in any way, other than to boost the sound.

The Suspects
Silver Belle and Tigger

Silver Belle and Tigger look so innocent here, don’t they?
Yet one (or both) is a tech savvy criminal!

What Happens Now?

There are still a lot of unanswered questions. Did the culprit work alone or with a partner? What exactly were they after? We aren’t sure but we are starting to suspect the movie Cats & Dogs is closer to reality than we think!

Needless to say, security has been tightened here at CKC. The kitties won’t have such an easy time on their spy mission next time.

How You Can Help

Listen to the audio above and leave your answer to “Whodunnit?” below! Was it Tigger or Silver Belle? Or was it both? You can help us solve this crime!

Have fun, stay safe, and God bless,