City Revival Church

City Revival Church

Latest Episodes

Will You Fulfill The Promise?
August 17, 2021

In this message, Pastor Bryn Waddell brings us the story of Saul. Saul was a man God called choice and handsome. A man God had anointed to be king of all of Israel. However Saul struggled to believe t

You Are the Boy
July 27, 2021

In today's podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell walks us through the story of the paralytic man in Matthew 9. Wanting what any paralytic would want, he desired to be healed. However Jesus, instead of leading

Destination Damascus
July 06, 2021

On this podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell guides us through the story of the Saul to Paul encounter in Acts 9. Paul, full of zeal believing he is doing the will of God, is on his way to Damascus. His desti

Legacy Promises
June 29, 2021

In today's podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell guides us through the journey of Abraham. How the promise of becoming the father of many nations was actually fulfilled in one son....Isaac. Our children are no

Keep Dreaming and Keep Believing
June 08, 2021

In today's message, Vanessa Miles shares from her personal journey on how important it is to keep dreaming and believing. It can be easy to forget not only what God has said, but how far we've come. If you've been given a promise from God, it's done....

Our Journey With The Lord
June 08, 2021

On today's podcast, Robert Barnes discusses with the family his personal journey with the Lord. How in the process we can lose sight of what's really happening in our hearts. However, never forget, He is always with us. We hope you enjoy today's message!

Untethered From Time
June 01, 2021

In this podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell shares his heart on the subject of being untethered from time. Time is nothing more than a pawn in the hand of God and He's asking us to trust Him and live in a realm outside of time. We truly believe this is not...

Mother's, Build A Room
May 20, 2021

In today's message, Pastor Bryn Waddell presents the story of the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4. This woman builds Elisha a room that results in a son. However when tragedy strikes, she lays her promise in the room she built for God. She thought this...

Receiving The Ones He Sends
May 20, 2021

On today's podcast, Sam Gray compares the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 10 and John 17. To show us how significant our heart towards people is for the Kingdom. We hope you enjoy today's message!

A Boy, His Bag and A Stone
April 27, 2021

On today's podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell presents to us the story of David and Goliath. Arguably one of the most recognizable stories in all of the Bible. However we believe there is a hidden truth in this familiar story. What made David successful?...
