City Revival Church

City Revival Church

Latest Episodes

It's Lasted Too Long
November 23, 2021

In today's podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell takes us through the scriptures explaining the nature of burdens. When we hear the word burden, we think something heavy or large in size. However we understand

The Power of Praying In Tongues
November 12, 2021

In this podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell speaks on the subject "The Power of Praying In Tongues". 1 Corinthians and Acts shows us how praying in tongues is a direct line of communication to God and it's a

What Are You Grasping For?
October 21, 2021

In this message, Sam Gray takes us into several biblical accounts of God giving promises, and the different ways people respond. The way we live life after receiving a promise can reveal the true ambi

The Blessing is Irrevocable
October 12, 2021

In this special podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell brings us an important prophetic message for our current times. From the book of Genesis and Numbers, Pastor Bryn shows us how the blessing of God is irrev

When Your Enemy Speaks: A Playbook To Extravagant Victory
September 29, 2021

In this message, Pastor Bryn Waddell discusses the story of Gideon. Israel is under the oppression of the Midianites. We find Gideon threshing wheat in a winepress. Afraid and surviving, Gideon is vis

The Realm of Human Will: The Power of Your Yes
September 29, 2021

On today's podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell guides us through the story of Paul in Acts 9. Paul had an incredible encounter with the Lord on Damascus road where he's blinded for three days. It wasn't unti

The Purpose of Pressure
September 29, 2021

In this message, Pastor Bryn Waddell talks about the Purpose of Pressure. We see this pressure through the story of Joseph. The favorite of his father and robed in a coat of favor. Yet he's sold into

The Uncommon Life of The Believer
September 28, 2021

In this message one of our Elder's, Robert Barnes, dives into the subject of living an uncommon life. Many times as believers we separate our lives into two categories: The Secular and The Sacred. We

Stewarding Presence & Protecting Promises
August 24, 2021

In this podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell discusses the story of Joseph. A man chosen by God to be the earthly father of Jesus and husband to a woman, named Mary, who was pregnant by the Holy Spirit. A ver

Standing Between Two Worlds
August 17, 2021

On today's podcast, Pastor Bryn Waddell teaches us how we are intended to be a personal entry point into the dominion and culture of another world. You are called to be an image bearer, you are called
