The Circuit of Success Podcast with Brett Gilliland

The Circuit of Success Podcast with Brett Gilliland

Dr. Bhrett McCabe Embraces Failures to Overcome Challenges

February 20, 2023

Dr. Bhrett McCabe, the founder of The MindSide, explains that success comes from embracing your challenges and learning from them to develop an emotionally disciplined mentality. Dr. McCabe discusses developing an organized mind and encourages you to pinpoint who you are and what you want to achieve. Relate to his work with world-class athletes to create goals for your game of life.

Bhrett McCabe

Brett Gilliland: All right, we’re live here. It says, okay, we’re recording. Awesome, man. Well, any, okay, I’ll get started here and we’ll get rocking. Um, all right. Uh, 

Welcome to the Circuit of Success. I’m your host, Brett Gilland. Today I’ve got another Bhrett with me, Bhrett McCabe. Dr. Brett McCabe. How you doing, Brett? 

Bhrett McCabe: Great. Thanks for having me. 

Brett Gilliland: Hey, it’s awesome to be with you, man. We, uh, were talking, before we started recording, we got a mutual friend that we didn’t know we had a mutual friend, uh, Greg Larkin, Titleist rep down there in Birmingham, used to be here in the Edwardsville Fallon area. So you tell, uh, you tell Greg Larkin, I said, hello.

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Oh, will and he to drop off some more golf balls for me on occasion. 

Brett Gilliland: Yeah, he is. Uh, are they allocated down there for you guys too? It’s funny, our country club, they’re allocated, man. It’s like bourbon.

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Yeah. Not only allocated, I mean, they’re allocated like bourbon is, so just gotta fight like hell to find him. 

Brett Gilliland: Yeah, it’s crazy, absolutely crazy. So, well good, man. I just wanted to, uh, you know, let our listeners learn more about you. I always like to start with kinda what’s made you the man you are today. I know that’s a big question and, and a really open wide question, but just wanna start with that, of what’s made you the man you are today?

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Uh, you know, I was very fortunate to be raised in a great family. My dad was military and my mom and, and uh, um, my dad was, was an only child. And, you know, there was a lot of organizational structure there. There was driven, if you set your mind to it, you go, well, you don’t stop halfway. Um, his dad was a, had a third grade education, was a carpenter, and both of his sons, um, my, my grandmother was German.

They were a little older when they had kids way back when. Um, both of their sons are retired military. Um, my dad was a pharmacist with a degree in chemistry. My uncle has a couple MIT master’s degrees, uh, in chemical engineer, uh, civil and um, and, uh, mechanical engineering. So very, very smart in the Navy.

Um, and so it was a culture that was driven. And then my mom was very much into that as well, which was, you know, if you’re gonna do something, you go all the way. You, you don’t, you don’t wait for other people to approve what you’re doing, and you don’t wait for other people to congratulate you on the back.

You set your mind towards something and you work your tail off and yeah, you learn and grow and learn from people around you. And, uh, that’s what, that’s what I did. And so that was the culture. It’s like if you’re gonna do something, you win and you win the right way. You do things the right way. Um, and you don’t make excuses because nobody cares.

Nobody cares . And then the other thing too is my dad also also taught me, he, you know, in the military, what he did, he did a lot of work with people who did really cool stuff like, and he did a lot of really cool stuff, right. And it’s just the military way is important stuff. And uh, he’s like, you gotta learn to stand in the shadows.

There are too many people in my field and coaching and whatever, who, when a client has success, they find the camera, the spotlight. They take pictures of themselves celebrating it because it’s not about the player or the client, it’s about them to show the world Yeah. What they do and how to cross market that.

And my dad was always like, you know, the work that we did, you were gone before the press conference ever started and we were already onto the next thing. Nobody cares, that’s your job. Do your job. And so his thing was, you stand in the shadow. So I think that was a culture that served me for my clients.

Like, um, I work with some of the best players in the world in golf, um, and I work with the best athletic department in the country when it comes to college sports. And it’s, uh, it’s not, I, I hope, I hope I’ve never had to look at a player and say, A player said, ‘Why’d you make it about you?’ 

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. Yeah. That’s amazing.

And it is, it’s, it is cool. Cause I, I actually was introduced to you by a coach, um, a buddy of mine as a division one basketball coach, and, and he said, man, you gotta follow this guy. And so I started following you and listening to your stuff. And, uh, but it is cool because I watch golf all the time and, and you are working with some of the biggest players in the game.

But yet to your point, you, you, I would never have known that. Right. I never would’ve known that. And I think that’s really…

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: That’s the greatest complement you could give me 

Brett Gilliland: …Really cool so, yeah. Yeah.

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: You know, it, it’s, I, I think. You know, I want a player who calls me because they want me to work with them, not because I’m gonna use it to market to a company or a, an association.

Like if, if, if a business wants me to come, they know I’ll work. I’m the psychologist for Alabama. Right? Yeah. Okay. You know how many people come through the University of Alabama and put their, try to put their stamp on it and then use it to market? I’ve, I’ve been sitting in workshops and seeing people say, well, when I was this, and I was, I’m like, you’ve never been there.

Like, literally, I learned that very early on. What, what got me was about 15 years ago, I was sitting in a Barnes and Noble and I opened up a book in golf, golf psychology, and two mental coaches had written a book, and both of them had the same elite player write a prologue, and the prologue was identical. I literally couldn’t believe it. 

Brett Gilliland: Wow. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: I want my players to know that, hey, if I need something, he’s gonna answer the phone, and it’s genuine and authentic. Yeah. And they pay me well, I don’t, I mean, it’s an exchange of services, right? The services are, is what we do, and I want somebody to know that I’m there for ’em, for their, for the reason they hired me.

Um, in, in the social media world and everything we do right, is, you know, people will post a picture outside the building. And, and I, I remember watching a, a guy years ago who did this. It was like the, a draft was going on a major league baseball draft. And he kept posting my guy, my guy, my guy. And I remember another middle coach said, I’ve been working with that kid for six years.

And he said, it’s his guy. The kid was in a workshop one time. One time.

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: And, and so I just, integrity means the world to me, and we’re all competing. But the ultimate value is when a player tells you, ‘thank you’, and you know, it is genuine and, I- that, so when you say that, that is the greatest thing to me, that it means that I’m doing it the right way, which I want my content to be currency. I don’t want my connections to be currency. 

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. And wouldn’t you probably, I mean, I assume you agree and so, and I didn’t say this earlier, but you are a clinical and sports psychologist. You’re the, uh, the founder of The Mind Side, PhD from LSU. You played baseball at LSU, win two national championships, uh, obviously working with Alabama and, and other, you know, sports guys that I won’t name. Um, but you know, the P G A L P G a, major League baseball, I mean all these places, right? Phenomenal stuff. 

But I do genuinely believe and feel that, that you are the guy you say you are, which is really, really cool. But would you also not agree that those guys probably refer you to the next guy, right, because of that and who you are?

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Well, that’s, and that the ultimate sign of respect, right? When somebody says, like, my financial guy is that way, Yeah, my financial guy is a list of clients that I know because I, how I got to him was because of that. And the financial guys and, and this guy is very well respected among professional athletes and it’s never about him.

And it’s, you walk in his room, there’s not one picture of one of his athletes, not one. There’s a picture with him, with the president of the United States. And because he is like, that’s always a great honor. There’s a picture with him and his parents and his kids and his thing was, my credential should be on somebody giving me a recommendation.

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: When somebody says, this is where I want you to go. And, and that’s what I want. And, and you know, I have a, a player, one of my tour players and, and he said this to people, say, well, what do you and Bhrett work on? He’s like, I don’t know. I don’t know, but I know that when we work on a much better head space.

And I said, that’s a great compliment because I’m not giving you, here are the six hottest things to work on in the mental game. I, my whole philosophy is built upon the psychological fingerprint of the person I’m dealing with. You and I are, we have the same name. We’re completely different. Okay. Mom was a twin sister, but, and an identical twin couldn’t tell ’em apart until they were in their twenties.

And they were different. They had different backgrounds, meaning my mom was the older, her sister was the younger. There’s a dynamic shift, right? And so we have to understand the people we work with, and it takes a lot of vulnerability people to open up. One of the things I hear a lot from coaches is like, well, did the player tell you this?

They tell you that like, for the 45 minutes, I see him once a week. No, they didn’t. Yeah, you’re gonna see him in a different spot. And so I use the team approach a lot, and that’s why, I mean, I never want to be the person who, like I’m the reason they succeeded or anything like that, like that, that’s just not how it works.

And, and I think maybe that comes from me, I played too, where it’s like, I don’t want that. Like, I want the player to celebrate that I will share their pain to some degree. I can’t share all their pain. But when it comes time for their success, I don’t want them to celebrate that. And because they’re the ones that have made those sacrifice.

And so I think that just, I think it’s something we gonna learn. I mean, look, we’re in a very self promotional world and , the self promotion world’s important. We have to do that. If your content is good, self promote that. Promote the hell outta that. If you can make a difference in somebody’s life, promote the living hell of that because people need content.

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. So, um, So what, what do you find that, that, let’s talk about that PGA golfer, for example, or the business person that’s listening to this right now. Obviously I’m not on the, you know, trying to make a birdie putt for, you know, a couple million bucks or something like that. I wish I was, but I’m not. Um, but what, what can you take from the golf course to the boardroom that things that we need to be focusing on?

Like what, what is that mental mindset that we need to have, and hence the name of your company, The Mind Side. Like what do we need to be doing to be at our optimal performance on the mental side? 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Well, I think we have to know who we are, right? And, and a lot of times we, we listen to what other people tell us to do, but those people don’t really know the business.

I have a good friend of mine who’s a CEO of a massive, massive billion dollar company. He’s like, I run a benevolent dictatorship. I make the decisions. I want to hear what you have to say, but I’m not gonna say I’m gonna do it because you don’t have all the information I have. Yeah. And you have to do your job.

And I think as a coach, as a leader, and anything that we’re doing competitively is we have to match to who we are. Too many people are trying to change us. Too many people are telling us this is the 14 ways of being successful and happy. Like I always look at books like, here’s the how to be happy. And I’m like, but what makes people happy is different for everybody.

Brett Gilliland: Right. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: You know, my mother-in-law, her happiness is having people at the house sitting around talking. Um, my happiness is knowing that everybody’s happy and in a good spot and a good meal and go to golf, right? Um, so I think where we get in trouble is when we try to do what everyone else is telling us to do.

And that is, uh, that’s the scary thing. And so I think if we know what we’re doing and we establish a plan and we execute that plan, okay, that plan is to have challenges, barriers, and stressors all along the way. But we, we are flexible to what we’re doing, and we understand that increasing pressure brings more consequences, more consequences than natural inclinations.

We wanna over control. So if we can turn that to being like, here’s the way that I get better and here are the decisions I’m gonna make and not reactionary, we can be successful. 

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: So I’m big on mission statements and goals because I find that we spend a lot of time setting mission statements and goals.

I want every leader, every person to have an understanding of what their philosophy is. So if you’re in the financial services business, you know, I mean, I think you should have a philosophy of how do you find customers? How do you meet with, what’s your strategies? How do you, what’s the market like? I mean, you know, if you’re not a bonds person, don’t be a bonds person.

Like Chick-fil-A only kills chicken. Like it’s okay. Like be who you are and rock it. 

Brett Gilliland: And only six days a week at that. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: And they don’t apologize for it, do they? 

Brett Gilliland: Nope. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Nope. Don’t apologize for it. 

Brett Gilliland: I do want it more on Sundays it seems though. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: You do, and and other alternatives aren’t as good and…

Brett Gilliland: No. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: …um, and, and, but they have a culture, right?

And they have a culture that everybody buys in. And there’s a vision that people understand. As a leader, you have to paint the picture of what you’re trying to accomplish. And as a coach, I, I think coaches need to, if you’re coaching major sports, right, you should have a PR agency with you to help paint the picture.

They’re specialists at it. Well, if same in business, right? Where are we gonna be in a year? But guess what? We have to let people know that their struggling is coming too. I think a lot of times in leadership, we want people to buy in so bad that we paint the rosy-est picture possible. And the first time we get in that scenario, we can’t handle it.

The pilots that we get on, on the airplanes, they can crash land. They know how to do that. I hope they’ve never had to do it. I hope they don’t have to do it today, but they know how. Right. And they’re gonna tell you the turbulence in the air and we’re gonna do our best to make it a comfortable flight. But I’ve got us.

is what they’re saying by saying that. And so I think, you know, we, we look at athletes and they’re driven, right? We assume that, you know, we watch a video of a hype person hyping us up. It’s not reality. Reality is it’s gonna be hard. And when it’s hard, who are you going to rely on? And we’re not gonna react, we’re gonna respond.

We’re gonna, we’re not gonna prevent failures. We’re gonna embrace ’em. I always tell my athletes that there’s three types of animals, right? They’re, they’re critters that we see. You know, you got the possums, it’s an ugly looking thing under pressure, it plays dead. It has no defense. Which is funny because if you’ve seen a possum, they have ugly teeth and the hiss, and you would think that it could do some damage, but it plays dead.

You have an armadillo that looks like a badass, right? That thing looks like a bad dude. But the minute stress hits, it balls up in its defenses, and then you have a lion. And the lion that sits on top of that rock is the one with the most scars because it’s earned the right to sit up there and it has no defenses.

Yeah, I mean, the mane is just demonstrating, the tail and all right, but it sits up there because it believes in who they are. But they have scars. They fought their way to the top. Okay? And we have to understand that success is not about seeing stress as a reflection of something wrong. Stress fears in security helps.

Those are reminders to, to be in a scenario where, um, we have improved our skillsets by the trials and tribulations we’ve been in because we’ve taken an accurate look at what we do. You know, teams lose and fans freak out and they’re like, oh my God, the future Great. Coaches look at it and say, okay, you know, there’s four outcomes to it.

We played well in one. We played well in Lost, we played poorly in one, and we played poorly in lost. All we can do is, is focus on the way that we play, but we have to learn. We can’t control the outcome, but we can learn how to improve what we’re doing. And so accurate reflection is like, Hey, where are, what are we doing? What are the decisions we’re making? What are the, that’s what we do in sport, right? I would say too, that great leaders of boardroom need to be planned. Like when I did corporate work for eight years, I was always amazed and I had a great manager, but I’d always be amazed and I’d go cross over to other managers for a period of time and, and you know, the meeting was start, they’d hand out the agenda and I’m like, that’s worthless.

 You’re handing me the agenda starting sent to me 24 hours ago so I could be prepared because the first five to 10 minutes I’m doing everything I can to make sure that I’m not on that agenda and I’m prepared. Mm-hmm. Okay. Um, and so the, the, the hence you don’t need to be a morning person. You don’t need to be an evening person.

You just need to be you. We all have different bio rhythms and so some people are late night people. Like, that’s fine. Some people are early morning people. That’s wonderful. Be who you are. and you know, like, I like to write by going to a coffee shop and putting headphones in and listening to Guns N Roses, Nirvana, Eric Church, um, you know, stuff like that, right?

Yeah. You know, Tom Petty love, Tom Petty. Okay. I can’t sit and quiet to write. Other people need peace and quiet and I write in verse. But it takes me a long time to write a book because I’m gonna analyze it, look at it, because it’s an enduring document. And, but that’s me. Like, I can’t write a book that goes out in six months.

People have to understand who they are and what they want, and then you build the plans to get there. Um, I am not very detail oriented when it comes to business practices. I want to go like, let’s go, let’s get on top of it. Now when it comes to writing and stuff like that, I’m much more, um, detail focused.

And when it comes to like running teams, I am, but when it comes to going to get business and all the other stuff, I’m not gonna write a business plan. The amount of time it takes me to write a business plan, I can go get the business. Right? Right. But I need help on the back end. I don’t do a good job of bringing people into the gate and I’m on the supp in the billing.

My wife handles all that cuz she’s a genius when it comes to that stuff. Gotta know who you are. 

Brett Gilliland: Know the lane you wanna play in. Right? And so when, when you’re talking to your players, your clients, and, and I, again, I would look at this for me, talking to my wealth management clients or, uh, somebody in sales talking to their client, how much time are you spending talking versus asking great questions?

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Um, well that’s, so, um, it’s a, it’s a great question because I’m a very active coach when it comes to coaching in the performance. Um, I, I use the example, and this sounds really bad to say this, but it’s like if I went to my doctor and I said, Hey, I got some sinus congestion. And I feel like I’m running a low grade temperature.

He doesn’t need to do a comprehensive, uh, review of systems to know that that’s the standard that’s coming in, right? Yeah. And so he gonna gimme an antibiotic, probably gimme a shot to clear it up or whatever. Like he sees 15 of them a day. The, the patterns of struggle are so consistent with those people.

The difference is, is that you don’t see what other people struggle with. You never ask a psychologist, oh my God, I pro you’ve probably never heard this before. Trust me…

Brett Gilliland: I’ve heard it all. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: …heard it. Don’t care either. And what I mean by that is I don’t hold that and carry it and go, ah, Bhrett, I mean this is it.

I mean, like you, you learn very quickly to to, to do the, the I switch like boom, gone like the men in Black Marie. Yeah. So I hold on to that and remember that. But I do see consistencies. Now that being said, the pathway by which we get there to help it is based on a, a like what I call a, what we call in science.

But I applied as a bio psychosocial approach. You have biological things that you do in your game in sport and life that well you are, you know, if you were in the military for 20 years and my dad was, I can guarantee you, you will wake up before your alarm goes off at five o’clock in the morning. I’ve, I’ve met very few career military people who still don’t get up early. It’s just they don’t need an alarm. 

Brett Gilliland: It’s in their DNA. Yeah. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: DNA. Um, if, if I’m working with a person who, both parents are engineers, more than likely their DNA is gonna have a problem solving style that is unique to that family. So I’m gonna go through the biological understandings of who they are. I’m gonna go through their psychological understandings.

What are their motivations? What are their beliefs? What are their barriers? What are their fears, their insecurities? What are their underlying belief systems that may be need to be challenged? And I’m collecting that over time. Um, and then how do they socially interact with people? Who do they value? Who do they trust?

Are they coachable? Um, this is any client I work with, whether it’s business or life, and I’m building a model in my mind. Uh, what we call in psychology of formulation, we’re like, it’s no different than when you’re looking at somebody’s wealth portfolio. You’re looking at risks, barriers, you know, you’re looking at things that are important.

Like, you know, I tell my financial guide, like, I need short-term motivators. I need to know that I’m going on a trip soon. because I will, I will pay for that in short order. Like I gotta have some, I gotta have a carrot. Yeah. Putting money away doesn’t get me excited. Like, I’ve gotta have some guy enjoy it.

He’s like, absolutely. Like, and so you know it, it’s knowing those bases that’s critical to understand how’s the formula that we’re gonna impart, the dangers that they wanna make. So players come in, they usually come me, cuz there’s an issue at hand. Very rarely does a player come to me and say, I am on top of the world and I want some help.

And I’m like, what do you want? I don’t know, I just need to put somebody on my team. I’m like, are you sure that’s what you want do? Is that what you wanna do? Is that what people are telling you what you wanna do? And once you understand what they want and you can kind of knock away the layers, then you can get to what the core of the issue that they want help on. And then after that, I’m just pumping them. And so I’ll touch base with players and say, how we doing? Good. Damn. Real good. All right, good. What did we learn? What did we experience? And I’m just trying to guide ’em and, and you know, players come in and they leave you after a while and then they’re back and that’s part of it.

Brett Gilliland: Yep. Yeah, that’s, uh, it’s, it’s fascinating to me because I also wonder, they don’t know what they don’t know, right? They don’t have your brain, they don’t have your ex experience, they don’t have your wisdom and knowledge. And so, you know, if I’m a guy again in the boardroom or walking down the 18th hole and I gotta get my mind right, I mean, how much of it is coaching to the point of, all right man, listen, you need to learn to breathe, you need to learn to execute.

And like, these are the five things, whatever it is, right? These are the things that you need to do. I mean, I’m assuming there’s a lot of telling still. Is that correct?

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Well, yeah, you know it, it’s interesting, right? Because, so I’ve got one player on tour who’s very emotional. I’ve got a couple on tour that are very emotional.

And everyone’s like, you gotta change. I’m like, why would I change ’em? Greatest player we ever have. Tiger Woods is emotional. Like, why would, I mean, you know, uh, if, if you’re, you know, what, what is it that you can do in that moment? And you know, what is what, what makes you tick? Right? When, when it’s when mind is racing under pressure.

Because as we go up higher at the mountain of success, the mind gets more and more cluttered and flustered. And confidence is minimal. Where are you gonna go? Where are you gonna anchor? And if you’re really sitting there trying to think of 14 things, we’re in trouble. Yeah, okay. We’ve gotta get, it’s like, you know, you’ve gotta make a, you gotta make a putt on the 18th hole to break 80 or shoot under par or whatever.

It’s for the average golfer. And we assume that PJ Tour players never missed those? Well, the, the stats on tour, uh, eight footer is a 50 50 make rate. 

Brett Gilliland: Wow, okay. Makes me feel better. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Yeah. PJ Tourer players make 80% of their money in five events a year. It’s the 80 20 rule. Okay. We think they’re great every week.

There are weeks that Patrick Cantley’s in the field that people don’t even know because he didn’t make the cut. Now, he may have been working on something like, I don’t like players when they make, when they play their first event of the year to have any expectations because they’ve done all this work, but then they go out in the competitive environment, competition, not famous training, and in golf, true business, sports, everything.

We practice all day long giving a talk. I put you up on stage with somebody. It gets real now. Yeah. All right. It, it, it, you can’t mimic it. Golf makes it even harder because there’s absolutely nothing we can do to mimic it. If you and I are playing a match and we’re gonna say, Hey, this is gonna be, this is gonna be the same as what we’re doing next week.

No, it’s not. No, it’s not. Not even close. Like, you know, and so I’m, I’m gonna use this example and anybody, I’m not trying to offend anybody when I say this cuz I, I’ve never been there, but it would be the equivalent of training somebody for war. Hey, we’re gonna play with rubber bullets and at the end of the day, I know I’m going home.

Brett Gilliland: Right.

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: If I, we go overseas and we’re in a competitive environment. Like I had a buddy of mine who was a Navy Seal and his first deployment, they didn’t tell him that they, um, when they landed in, I think in I in Iraq is where he went. That they do a combat landing, which is essentially a controlled dive.

And then they land real quick. He thought they were under attack, and so when they landed, the older guy said, Hey, we’re gonna go get all this other stuff. Y’all established the base, like whatever he said, me and the other new guy established and we’re in complete combat pose, look, cuz we thought the wire was the fence that we were seeing.

He goes, we were in the middle of the base. The guys come back and they are laughing their tails off because they’re like, what are you doing? And he goes, we didn’t know where we were. We thought we were in the middle of a combat zone. That’s the wire, that’s the fence that protects the runway. That’s how it changes things.

Brett Gilliland: It gets real. It gets real, real fast, doesn’t it? What, what are the things that you, you personally do? Like if I followed you around with a camera, what am I finding the no miss items that, that you’re doing daily, day in and day out. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: You’re not, you’re gonna be very underwhelmed by what I do. Seriously. Like you’re gonna think that’s all you do.

My wife says you’re just full of crap. I mean, you just make up things and go, it’s not true. I’m gonna, let’s say if I go walk nine holes with a player on tour, on a practice round, like I’ll be at Scottsdale next week, we’re gonna go out and I’ll walk turtles. What am I gonna tell them? Like, what am I gonna tell?

I’ve never played on a PJ Tour event, right? Right. What am I gonna tell them? What I’m gonna do is say, tell me what your experience and feeling. How’s the communication with you and caddy? And probably in that nine hole walk, there might be a hole or two that I’m really working, like I’m grinding something. Now, if they have their swing coach, they’re gonna probably be more involved in that and whatever.

And I’m gonna be, I kind of look at myself as the sharpener of the sword. I’m gonna come in at the very end, once they get it and they understand how to use it, now my job is to get ’em in that spot before they tee off in a competitive round. I just stand there, talk to ’em, whatever, like, what am I gonna do?

Giving some new information. Like, hey, right. Breathe through your eyelids now that’s hype up. Let’s get hype, man. Let’s go, let’s let’s eat steel. They’re gonna be look at me and go like, you weren’t here last week when I came in fifth. Right? Um, and so my thing is, and, and it comes from my coaching college, he was always like, if you’re not there every week, don’t, don’t act, don’t make it about you.

So there’s another person that reinforces my approach, right? Um, he’s like, if, if the catcher runs out to talk to the pitcher before the game and does it at a big game, why didn’t we do it against the midweek game last week? Like, oh, because it got harder. So when I’m there, I’m, I’m kind of pulling back and I’m just kind of tapping and moving.

Like my, my sessions with like the college athletes, maybe 20 to 20 minutes max. Once I’ve established a relationship with them, they come in and like, Hey, this is what I’m going through. All right. What can I do to help you? Good? Yep. Got it. What we need. 

Brett Gilliland: Hmm. Next . 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: I mean, and, and the reason for that is they’ve got so many things.

There’s a brilliant video I use all the time, and it’s a video from Smarter Every Day, which is a v uh, vlog cast. The guy who used to work for NASA, he’s an engineer. And then he started vlogging. And it’s so good. So good. And NASA and the Navy Smarter Every Day. Brilliant. I mean, you’ll go down dark holes. It’s such a brilliant education.

Like the one that he did on the nuclear submarine underneath the ice pack where he was embedded with him was absolutely must watch television. And I’m a little bit of a nerd when it comes to stuff like this, but there’s, he has, where he goes to the marine based training in Hawaii where they’re training how to successfully survive a helicopter crash underwater.

Right. And it’s such an example for what athletes are going through, right? They’re getting flooded with information. So I don’t know about you, but if, if I’m on a Chinook or whatever those are that you sit on the site and it’s going underwater, I’m gonna try to get outta that thing as absolute fast as I can.

Yep. And they’re like the worst thing that you can do because you, you’re upside down, you lose orientation, you’re in the dark, the water’s coming in, it’s filling up your sinuses and you, you’re lost in ground. They teach ’em to hold onto their seat and they call it the rodeo grip and to hold on. And then find the oxygen.

Take the oxygen, stay in your seat because it’s an orientation place. I use that all the time for my athletes. Like when you’re in that moment, chaos is happening all around you, you and I, you know, you go into a big meeting, you, you get a call in wealth management to go in. Somebody you’ve been waiting for for a year, you’ve been working at your work.

You finally get that meeting and it’s like, I wanna do everything I have. Okay, go out. Right? You’ve got to know, you’ve gotta have a system. And so what’s your anchor? What’s your process like? I’m gonna take notes. I’m gonna ask these six. These are my go-to questions for tour players. It’s like, Hey look, we’re gonna use a little bit of a trigger.

We’re gonna pull on the glove as a reminder. We’re in this moment. We’re not gonna be in a hurry to screw up , we’re going go through our process. We’re gonna verbalize the shot we want to hit and we’re gonna compete. All right, so what you have to do, that’s a lot of what’s teaching him is like, Hey, look what we’re going through this process is chaos wants you to go faster once you hurry up and get out of the trouble. And competition’s chaos. 

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. And then it is so different than what the mine would think. Right. I mean the, especially the, the rodeo hold, I mean that is completely backwards to what we would think, but when you say it the way you said it, it’s so damn true.

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Yeah. Think about, yeah, like let’s, let’s do college football for a minute.

Teams are watching college football team and they got a young quarterback and they’re like, God, this guy sucks. He can’t throw, I mean, whatever. And the coach goes up on the press conference and is talking, Yeah, it’s our best option. And you know, player coaches get upset. Like being an LSU alum, we had this report from less miles for like six years.

Yeah. And then they would the ball eight times and it looked like a fifth grade education, you know, fifth grade, middle school football game. Okay. They all offensive structures. But the point was he never prepared his kids to transfer from competition, from practice competition. They never built things in there that were anchoring them for their confidence to grow.

You watch Brilliant Play callers, they build and they structure and they ladder up over time. Great offensive coordinators script the first 10 to 12 play calls of a quarter or a half. They’re doing that because they’re working in systems. Fans are like, oh my God, there’s the post is wide open. It’s like that guy coming outta the gate, unless he’s played a lot, he doesn’t have that. He does have the ability, but he doesn’t have the application. We gotta help him get there. And, and so great leaders and coaches can educate on that to the team. Like, this is how we’re gonna build somebody into that process. But that’s like chaos, right? It’s like nobody wins a major unless they’ve been up near the lead a lot in majors.

I mean, really if you look back, I mean everyone, somebody slips through the talent gap is so small on the PGA tour right now, right? Um, in the power five schools, in the top 15 schools of college football, the talent gap is so tight that it’s the separators that matter. It’s not hype, it’s understanding.

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. So let’s go back to that when you talked about the pulling on the glove and, and that, I’m fascinated by that type of stuff. So like, Walk us through that. So I, I’m a player on tour. I’m, I’m trying to get my game face on and maybe I’ve, you know, just made boogie, like, what is that process like? And, and how do we then snap into like, okay, I even, one, I gotta remember that I gotta pull the glove, right? But h how do I do that? What’s that process like to get me there? 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Well, I, I think you, you’ve gotta understand that when you’re out in the competitive environment, I’m gonna try to give ’em wanting to focus on, that’s it. Okay. One thing when we got (inaudible) they got so many other thoughts going in. I mean, we can’t even remember what our friends order is when they go to Starbucks, right? And especially when it’s four, four squirts and a pump and a extra . Just, okay, give it to me.

Brett Gilliland: Just get a coffee. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Like, come on, just buy coffee. I’ll get you the stuff on the side. Um, so, you know, in those environments, we’ll, we’ll have a little bit of a review. And the PJ tour, they have a caddy, and their caddy has to be, that’s their co-pilot.

That’s their navigator. And they’re the ones that have to be good. Now, what happens is a lot of times when approach are high, everybody gets quiet and, and you can watch this, you can see the ca and they get quiet. They, they don’t know what to say because let’s be honest, being a caddy is a brutally difficult job.

They gotta know what to say at the right time and not have any negative implications of it. I mean, that’s the honest to God truth.

Brett Gilliland: Right? And challenge somebody knowing your job, that they’re, they’re your boss, right?

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Draw the line, man. At that point, I’m gonna challenge ’em. This is gonna do it. But I, I try to tell ’em that like, this is when you have mistakes.

This is how mistakes compound. It’s not the actual experience of a mistake. That’s a problem. Like if you’re gonna play, you’re gonna hit bad shots. You’re gonna fumble, you’re gonna have turbulence. What happens when turbulence happens? And so, you know, we look at statistics and we understand, and then we, you know, the player may not realize that in the moment the caddy can, and the caddy will take notes.

And so, you know, we’re looking at scenarios. I, I want them to be the best reporter of their experiences so that we can learn from em’. Wisdom is the greatest educator we have. Experience is the greatest educator we have at creates wisdom. It’s best because the wisest people, like if you were to go into a business conference, people are gonna want to go see Warren Buffet.

And it’s because he’s had, he’s seen things, he’s been there. Is he always right? No. Now he has better margins to fail. But the, the fact is, we like, now here’s the mistake, right? The 21 year old kid that’s coming outta school is wrong. He might not be, but if you’re gonna fly or have a surgeon, do you, I mean,

You know, surgeons are trained in residency to go through a whole lot of things. I mean, they’re doing thousands, thousands of hours, but they’re still somebody who’s proficient, who’s older, who’s seen this. It’s like, I’ve seen this complication 10 times. It’s like, I got it. 

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. Again, in real world experience too, so, so how do we manage in today’s crazy world of nonstop notifications and bad news and this and that?

I mean, how do we manage fear and anxiety in today’s world? 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Well, I think, let’s go back to the organizational aspect of stuff. First of all, we have to have an organized mind in order to compete, and that allows us to be emotionally disciplined, okay? When we’re emotionally disciplined, not reactionary to everything that’s happening.

When we’re undisciplined, our emotions guide us to our next, uh, behavior. So feelings, thoughts, feelings, actions are all interconnected, right? Um, actions very rarely happen in a vacuum, and thoughts and feelings very happen. I mean, they happen. Now, I want people to understand that thought is not nothing more than the brain’s way of processing information and identifying threat, okay?

So negative thoughts are, they’re not predicting anything. They’re just saying there could be a trouble on the horizon. That’s all. But what happens is, is that if we don’t have an organized mind and we experience a negative thought, a fear of doubt, whatever we experience trouble, then what happens is we emotionally, we’re undisciplined and it leads us to look for validation, prove trust, all those things, right?

And then those just cascade, and our behaviors follow, which are usually re protective, restrictive. And we’re trying to, you know, hold, serve a little bit. If we’re organized every day in the way we do things. And I think that we should do five things every day. We should do administrative tasks, which are things that are between now and the next three to four weeks.

I think we need to do developmental tasks, tasks, which are things for the next three weeks to three months, six months out, some planning. We need to do some training every day. Content development, read book, you know, read. I don’t want you to send a picture of all the books you’ve read. I want to show, I want you to show me a book that changed your life.

Right. That impacted you. Like, I, I don’t, I don’t, I don’t want people to read books just to say they’ve read ’em. I want somebody to say, man, I just, I digested this book and I got this one piece out of it. Yeah. Um, I want people to do execution tasks every day. Like if you’re, you know, if you’re not practicing and training the way that you close, then you can’t close.

Yep. Right. I love it. People in business, I, I build relationships. Okay, good. relationships without an agenda are just relationships. Yep. Everybody’s in a relationship to have an outcome. You better know how to transition it. The last thing is we’ve gotta have a practice on how do we summarize and review and journal.

Okay. So at the end of the day, we sit down and say, here’s what happened. Here’s how it went. I planned out my day. I execute. Here were some, you know, oh my God. I had a phone call at 11, like my, my youngest daughter’s finishing up at Auburn. She’s got a puppy. She just had surgery. Of course. Me and his dad said, why did we get a puppy before we had surgery?

The cutest thing in the world. She’s at school. Her dog sitter didn’t show up this morning. So my wife was about to drive to Auburn. Okay. Of course, we wake up to that firestorm this morning. At the end of the day, it’s no big deal. Right, right. And it’s a great dog, but, but it’s, it, it undisciplined. It makes me angry cause I’m like, nobody listened to me when I said, don’t get this dog right now.

Even though I think it’s dog rocks. Okay. It’s the sweetest thing in the world. Okay. But it’s still a puppy, right? Yeah. It still needs attention and stimulation. Right. Can’t go to daycare yet. And, um, and so, you know, the undisciplined me was like, nobody ever listens to me. Like that’s the cascade of thoughts, right?

Like, you know, I work hard and, you know, those are the things, right? The main me, um, the discipline mind is, Hey, this is a short term barrier. Help him through it. It doesn’t impact you, your wife. My wife doesn’t need to go down there. We developed a solution. Okay, we’ll help get her in the spot. It’s like, no big deal.

Like really in the grand scheme of things, it’s no big deal. It’s no big deal.

Brett Gilliland: How does that, sorry to interrupt you. How does that, how do you do that though? When the mi the mad mind, there’s, nobody’s listening to me. I’m, you know, I’m teaching people over the world. I’m this, I’m that. Like, how do you then say, okay, let’s, let’s get outta that brain thought and get into the what’s normal and not…

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: You have to look at it.

Awareness is critical, right? The, the mistake that our brain makes is that we make judgements. We make, we mind makes validation and judgment as assumptions. Yeah. It, it tries to take a picture in evaluating and it does it because if you think about the protective mechanism of the mind, it’s identifying risks internally and all the time.

And it’s, if you look at it and say, wait a minute here, um, that’s not helping me right now. There’s a time to analyze and there’s a time to execute. Let me get back to what I need to do. Okay. So the first step’s, just simply having awareness to it, that I’m doing it. You can’t be like, I love the idea of positive thinking.

It’s great. Okay. There are times that I’ve got pretty crappy thinking. And I know that sometimes that crappy thinking leads me to be a bad spot. So I don’t chastise myself about being in a perspective, whatever. I’m like, Hey look, this is not the best. It’s not judgmental. Hey, is there a better way I could do this?

So it’s simply having the awareness. It’s not the problem that it’s there. It’s how long did we allow the damage to happen. That I think where people make a mistake is that they’re like, I cannot believe that I did that. It’s like, Hey, I got angry. Or you know what? I got nervous. That’s okay. I think that’s cool.

Jam on, man. You know, the other thing too is, you know, this, this, this stuff’s hard because we don’t have thought bubbles above other people’s heads that we can see what you are dealing with. Every one of us puts on a face and that mask is powerful and that mask is, um, That mask is predicting what we want us to be.

Thomas Merton, who is a, a philosophical priest, uh, and I did a podcast with Wright Thompson, who’s one I think the finest writer in all sports that got that bourbon voice. If you watch the masters, he’s the guy that does the little voiceovers in the beginning. 

Brett Gilliland: Oh yeah. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Okay. So Wright is brilliant. He’s a phenomenal writer and can get in the human psyche.

He’s so clear, and he said Thomas Merton, the philosopher, said, we all wear a mask, but it’s the mask that eats the face that we start embodying the mask. I’m like, God, that’s so good, ,right? We’re not vulnerable human beings. So what happens? We see what we see in other people is we see other people’s. We reflect, we connect to somebody else’s, strength because it usually matches our insecurities.

Brett Gilliland: Yeah, that’s strong. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Because if I look at somebody and I’m like, man, I like, I know what I’m good at. I hate exercise. I hate that stuff. I did it when I played. I don’t, you know, I don’t, I don’t work out a lot. I need to, I should, I know, um, I work, I mean, I don’t even know how many hours are in a, a week. Um, I work way too many hours.

I’m in the, over the a hundred hour week. Okay. Yeah. Um, and, and so for me to get up at or to go work, like, I got home last night at eight o’clock, like I left at five or day and I got home at eight. And what nonstop at to go exercise during the day, like that when I had a 20 minute lunch, I’m not gonna do it, like.

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. Right. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: So, so I’ve just eventually have come to a spot where like, you know what? Can’t get mad at myself for not doing it. I mean, like, I, I watch people go running down the road and I’m like, God, I wish I could do that. Like, that’s really cool. And I’m like, well, I can make better, better, you know, I could eat better.

Oh, when you’re exhausted. Not into it tonight, but you know when you’re exhausted, your willpower drops. Because willpower’s a resource. It’s not a trait. Um, and by the way, parents, if you’re listening to this, your kid who doesn’t seem to really want it at 14 hasn’t learned to want it, don’t force it on ’em.

Like let them figure it out and see if it’s something that they truly like. Like try to make ’em listen to your music. They don’t connect to it. Right. Like I of Nirvana and Guns N’ Roses and stuff like that, cause it reminds me of college. Okay. Right. You give that to people. Like Yeah, that’s awesome.

Riff right there, man. But they’re listening to other things that relate to ’em now. Right. Okay. Yeah. So it doesn’t seem like they’re really motivated. It’s like, chill. Okay. They’ll find them. But that’s the same thing as willpower comes in and all sudden, well, I’ll just get a, you know, I’ll just run to McDonald’s real quick.

Eight minutes to eat right. And that’s what happened. Yep. Okay. So I think we’re so judgmental on ourselves instead of really seeing the suffering that we’re all going through. And I don’t mean suffering is a bad thing. Suffering is, suffering is fine. And, and yeah, there are, and I’m sure I’ll get messages of people saying, Hey, you know, I’ll help you out.

I was like, good luck. Okay. I mean, I don’t mean that in a bad way. I just, just, it’s not my thing. Like I need to I should. I went to my doctor, who’s my buddy, and I’m like, Hey, blood, draw all my blood. Show me why I need to work out and calls me and goes, yeah, everything’s normal. I was like, dammit.

But I think because I respect the living hell outta of people who can do that, like I don’t have that discipline because they’re not, that’s not my thing. Yeah. Okay. I’ll work around the clock to have a week long vacation though. Yeah, a hundred percent. Like I dig that like going on a trip, seeing part of the world that I really enjoy.

Like I like that. I don’t do a lot of reading at night. Like I love to read . I love to listen to books, but it’s not the same. I love to read. I didn’t, I hated reading in school cause I had to, but I love to read, but I don’t come home at night and go, I’m gonna turn off and read. My mind, I, I know my risks are so to your question is like, I know where my, my, I can get very down very quickly.

I can get very anxious very quickly too because I feel like I’m pulled all the time so I have to know what my protection is. And so something that is taking more energy to do it wears out an empty tank pretty quickly. Yeah. Now I’m not saying this to people to say, man, I’m worried about you. Don’t be like, this is the life I chose and this is what I dig.

I love this stuff. Yeah. Okay. When somebody else is like, somebody else is like, you know what I love to do? Like I have a friend of mine’s, like, I love to go for a run. I’m like, how do you do that? He’s like, I grew up as a runner. I’m a competitive distance runner. It, I get out there an hour and a half run.

And I’m like hour and a half, but is on the top of his game. Okay. But that’s his release. He doesn’t play golf, he doesn’t go to sporting events, he doesn’t travel. He builds businesses and running for him is almost like a… 

Brett Gilliland: It’s his outlet. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: It’s his endorphin outlet. Yeah. Right. He’s like, I look in the mirror and I know I’ve won the day.

And I’m like, God, I wish I could do that. And, and that’s the thing is we’re so judgmental on ourselves to see the Wonder (inaudible), you know, self-esteem that in, in the American culture, what we do is we, we cover it with those masks. So I bought G Wagon. Okay, great. Um, like I have a, my, my buddy who’s a doctor drives a G wagon, and I said, why do you buy that?

He goes, because I bought somebody else’s mistake. And I’m like, what do you mean? He goes, I buy ’em used. A person drove it for eight months, couldn’t afford it, had to sell it. He goes, I won. Like, that’s how he sees it . And I’m like, yes. Oh my God. Awesome. Like, yeah, like awesome. Like I don’t have a beach house.

I don’t know if I ever want one. Yeah. I love people who have ’em. The reason I’m not home enough. So for me to think I’ve gotta go somewhere else. If I get to be a full-time writer. Yeah. I want one, why? Cause that’s where I’m going to write. 

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Like, I don’t go to sporting events. I don’t, I I work at ’em.

Those going into a sporting event of a team I work with, that’s not fun. You know, and so I, I, I bring all this up, not knocking anybody else who does all that. Like, you gotta know what feeds you. Like if you wanna put mayonnaise on your french fries, do it. Why’s you not infringing on the rights of another human being, do it.

But the point is, is that we have to know who we are. And so we see the insecurities and, and you know, I look at somebody and I’m like, man, you know, like, see somebody and like, man, they’re, they look fit and good. That’s usually I’m at. I see that like I’m, my mind is attracted to that because I don’t feel that.

So instead of chasing that emotional and discipline of like, man, I feel so crappy about myself in such a player, like I’m a high performance psychologist, should be fit right where my goes, I don’t care. You’re not my trainer. 

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: I mean he’s like, I want you to do it for your health, but he’s like, you wanna go get some wings tonight?

And I’m like, you’re the biggest ass. He’s like, he goes, I know you’re there when I pick up the phone. 

Brett Gilliland: Right? Yeah. You’re not his, you’re not his fitness trainer, so he doesn’t care. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Yeah. And I know I should, you know, like that’s, yeah. Those are the things. But what I, the reason I’m bringing this up in disclosure is so people can understand that we all suffer from stuff.

Yeah. Like I, I remember years ago, Go, you know, you go into like an old town main street, right? And they’d have this scene, and this scene would be this like living room setup. And back in the sixties they’d have models that would sit in there and everybody would look happy, right? And everybody was smiling, which he did know is that maybe the husband and a wife couldn’t communicate.

The kids were miserable and they’re full of anxiety. What we project is not often what’s behind the scenes. I want people to realize that we’re all struggling with something. I, I, there’s a, a brilliant, brilliant book by Robert Wright called Why Buddhism is True. And as I’m advocating for Buddhism, um, Buddhist thought is very brilliant.

It’s very stoic. The way of thinking is insane. But what he is saying is that, you know, social comparison is the core of the human experience because it’s our evaluation on the evolutionary leader. It’s the way we evaluate. We don’t, we don’t connect to people who are lesser than us, in theory, in social status, cuz they’re not good reproducible candidates.

So when you think about it from a genetic stance, we suffer for a reason. Nobody will ever reach full content. You ever met a, I mean, you do. Well, have you ever met a truly content multimillionaire? 

Brett Gilliland: No.

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Does anybody ever come to you…

Brett Gilliland: Nothing’s ever good enough. Right? It’s like when, when’s it ever enough?

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Yeah. Oh, the market’s gonna change, or, yeah.

Well, fear based, oh my God, it’s gonna be bad. Or, Hey, I’d like to, I’d like to pay for my grandkids house. So I wanna like, we do that cause it makes us feel good. And so I, I say all this cuz that suffering is norm. Like we have angst. I mean, you know, there are times that we got real crappy thinking going on and instead of judging ourselves, just look at it.

Say, you know what, dude, I’m in a, I’m in a tough spot right now mentally. Yeah. Like, I’m okay. It’s okay. And I know where I need to go. Like if I’m struggling, um, I need to have control. Of my, of my mind a little bit, and I’m like, need to go to the coffee shop. I need to go do some writing. That’s very cathartic to me.

Um, going out for a nice dinner and having a drink with my wife, that’s usually relaxation of getting away. That’s not, I’m not gonna say, Ooh, I want to go do that. Yeah. Um, golf course, I enjoy it, but if I go out during the week and sneak away, I’m, I’m a nervous wreck. This past year, year, my guys went back to back on the PJ Tour and, uh, I don’t, I mean, I can say who they were cause they had mentioned me in the media.

Sam Birds won the Colonial next week. Billy Hors won the memorial that week. I was down at the coast, I was down at Rosemary Beach all week. I didn’t go to either event and I would be an absolute nervous wreck that week. And my wife’s like, and I’m like, well, they don’t need, you know, I don’t wanna lose ’em.

I love the guys. They’re amazing human being, you know, like I’m going through all that right in my head. And, um, we we’re talking about it and we’re, you know, whatever. And I’m like, um, but it was such a powerless position to be in and yet I was so proud of them. Yeah. And we had conversations and all, and I’m like, and I’m sitting there, I’m like, I had to like, going to Maui, we go to Maui every year for the Tournament of Champions is a winning event.

You know, you win on the tour, you’re, you’re there the next year. And we go because my wife’s tonight’s anniversaries during that time. So it’s really there on vacation. And we just happen to check on the guys at the tournament. They don’t really care that year. And I’m a nervous wreck on the beach because when you wake up Maui, it’s already noon here.

Yes. And it’s, you’ve got six hours of messages. Now January 3rd, how many people are really stressed? But that’s, and so I don’t relax and Maui till like one o’clock cuz now it’s the end of the day. And, but I love going, but I, I don’t do good getting away. I love vacations, but I, I don’t like, we’re going skiing next two weeks.

I can guarantee you I’ll be checking my phone the entire time I’m on the mountain. You know, and so just insight not having, yeah. 

Brett Gilliland: No, and I think that’s, but that’s, again, that’s why you’re good at what you’re doing Right. And getting to the level you’re at. And it’s, again, knowing your role, knowing the lane you play in, and, and that’s what makes your world work.

And it may not work for the next cat, which is kind of what you started with. Know, know what works for you and, and, and be okay with it. Because I know for me personally, there was things, oh, I know I need to do this. And if I didn’t do it, then I’m, you know, kicking my own ass for a while until I finally had this aha moment of like, you know what dude, you’ve done okay. 

Like, if this works for you, it doesn’t mean that it’s it that you have to do this other thing. You just don’t. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: Yeah. You know, I had a, I had a guy in field one time tell me, he is like a lot of my colleagues do their business on the golf course. And he said, I don’t like to do that. I said, why not? He goes, because I don’t enjoy playing with people I don’t enjoy playing with.

Brett Gilliland: Hmm. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: And I was like, okay. He goes, but you know, other people said, take him on the golf course cuz you know, he loves to play golf. He’s a hell of a player. He’s like, I don’t enjoy it, like. 

Brett Gilliland: I don’t wanna do that. 

Dr. Bhrett McCabe: I don’t wanna, he knows, I like to do it a different way. Like I always laugh. Right, right. There are certain psychological indicators that we follow. Like you go into a doctor’s office, you want it to be clean, nice, well organized. The, they walk out in a white coat. You go in a dentist’s office, there’s always a, um, a fish tank for calming for the most part. Music playing in the background, open doors. Financial planners. Today’s wor