CIOs and Bow Ties

CIOs and Bow Ties

Grocery Prices Up Steeply From Same Time Last Year

June 14, 2021

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- Grocery Prices Up Steeply From Same Time Last Year


- Nearly everything at the store, from beef and cereal, to fruit and veggies, costs more than it did a year ago.


- The average prices in March of 2021 for pork chops and chicken breasts are both up more than 10% compared to March of 2020. Eggs and cheddar cheese are both up 6%.


- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the largest month-to-month increase in almost nine years.


- It’s a similar story at the gas pump. Prices have jumped more than $1.20 compared to a year ago, but that was when demand was at rock bottom because so many people were at home.


- Prices are also up for both new and used vehicles, according to Scot Hall, the executive vice president of operations with

