The Cindy Rushton Show

The Cindy Rushton Show

Episode 7: Stepping Up to the Call: Who are YOU? Beloved Identity

December 16, 2020

Who are you?? When I ask you, “Who are you?” do you wonder? Do you struggle with what that means? Do you feel that sick feeling in your stomach and think, “I just don’t know?” Have absolutely NO idea who you are?

Sweet friend, you are God’s beloved. You have BELOVED IDENTITY!

Soak that in.

That means that you are God’s beloved child. This gives you a new identity. This gives you power, purpose, positioning, preservation, YOU are perfectly preserved, perfectly prepared, and perfectly positioned. You are empowered. You are powerful! You are an image bearer!

Grab a big cup of tea and as we dig into what that means for you today….