The Cindy Rushton Show

The Cindy Rushton Show

Episode 1. Welcome to the Cindy Rushton Show!

December 15, 2020

Welcome to my very first episode of The Cindy Rushton Show! I am Cindy Rushton, your hostess! I am so excited to be launching our new show! I am even more excited that you are joining me! Our show will encourage, empower, and equip you as you step into your calling and life purpose. Join us each week as we talk about pursuing the presence of God, living a life of purpose, goal-setting (and reaching!), practical and easy how-to’s, motivation, home, family, marriage, singleness, mindset, business, ministry, and entrepreneurial thinking… and so much more! We cover the full gamut of topics that really make a difference in whether you see success or only wish for it. Don’t Miss ONE Show!