Church Web Strategies Podcast

Church Web Strategies Podcast

CWS Podcast – Ep. 70: Sharing Your Church Website’s Testimony

November 25, 2014

( businesses where website ideas, processes and platforms are guarded secrets; it should be the opposite for churches. Sharing ideas and best practices will help further the Gospel on a global scale. We are not in competition with one another, and should provide a united front against our enemy. In this article I will discuss a few ways you can help churches around the world make better websites.

Topics covered include

* History that will benefit others
* Documents you created
* Platforms you utilize
* Services you employ
* Tools you use

Action Item
Dedicate at least one small section in your About Us to tell everyone about your website. Be sure to include content from at least one of these bullet points. You never know what emerging church can glean from your story to help it gain momentum. Perhaps they can learn from your successes and mistakes.
Referenced Articles

* My article "Sharing Your Church Website's Testimony ("

Note: This article and episode was inspired by Mars Hill Church and the great history section of their website.