Chronogram Conversations Podcast, Chronogram Magazine

Chronogram Conversations Podcast, Chronogram Magazine

Podcast Episode 44: Being OK with Being Single with Sara Eckel

January 08, 2014
It's Not You: 27 (Wrong) Reasons You're Single author Sara Eckel talks about the trouble single people face in their 30 when answering the question: How come you're not married yet? Eckel challenges the myths of dating and marriage and offers kind advice on being okay with being single.
by Brian K. Mahoney
In 2011, Sara Eckel published an essay in the New York Times “Modern Love†column. In the piece, titled “Sometimes, It’s Not You,†Eckel confessed that she was once a single woman in her late 30s, and the shame and resentment she had felt about it.…

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