The Weekly Podcast with Jonathan Doyle

The Weekly Podcast with Jonathan Doyle

Create Change In Your Life

August 11, 2015

Do you ever find it hard to create change in your life? Who doesn't! In this podcast I am exploring a few key ideas about how to create change in your life that are simple to understand and can make a real difference. I'll be talking about the fact that knowing 'WHY' you have a problem or "WHERE' the problem came from will only take you so far. If you really want to create change in your life then you actually need to ACT differently. I'll also be talking about the fact that DEATH is actually a pretty helpful reality when it comes to thinking about your life and what really matters.


Well, hi there! Jonathan Doyle with you for the weekly podcast. Welcome aboard - if you're a new listener, a regular listener, I'm not going to call you an old listener, you'll be upset if I'd be, but welcome aboard! Love doing the weekly podcast... bla bla bla or each week I sort of say, "How cool it is to do it!" But indulge me for 2 seconds. It's just been so humbling again this week to just discover that people are actually listening. I know it sounds crazy because why do a podcast if no one's listening, well, you know, you've always got your mum. You've always got your mother. She's going to listen but to realise that more and more people are listening and you're listening is so cool. It's like you just... I get to bring the joy and the excitement that I have for life and what I'm learning and my struggles and share them with you. And if you're a regular follower and you follow the different things I put out, you'll be aware last week - as part of my on-going certification as an executive coach, I have to offer a couple of pro bono spots and I have one left, which was 5 sessions with me. And I promoted that through the podcast list and kind of hit myself with this stupid stick afterwards, I was like, "Good idea! Just put that out there to thousands of people!" And the response was huge and I spent most of the weekend replying to people because I don't want to be one of those people who's like... you're going to share your life with me, I'm not going to ignore it. So, it was really humbling to read people's stories and why they'd like some coaching and I had to go with 1 in the end. But, stay tuned if you want to do some coaching with me in the future, I'll open some spots up again relatively soon. I only take a few but there'll be coming soon.

Now, let's get in to this week's stuff. I have stuff - lots of stuff and often, I talk about being mindful like being alive - getting off the couch, just being really alive and engaged and mindful because if you're mindful and switched on and open, so much stuff comes at you - life, God, the universe just communicate stuff to you that you wouldn't otherwise get. One of the reasons to try and eat really well is that I feel good and then I train harder and I feel alive and just well. And when you're coming from that positive state, you just really get more stuff - you're more attuned to what's happening and the good things and the communications that are coming your way. Some often people go, "Ahhh... I've got to change my diet or I'm going to go on a diet." And I'm like, "Screw that for an idea." How many negative connotations does that have for most of us? I don't even look at that way. I want to eat well. I don't want to put garbage in my body. I want to put good stuff in there so, I'll feel better. Because if I feel better, I can love more, I can contribute more, I feel more balanced. So, end of sermon on that.

Now, I had 2 ideas I want to share with you. And then, I got a 3rd this morning. So , this morning, I'm up at like... I don't know ten to 4, quarter to 4 for some reason and had some time for meditation and prayer and journaling and stuff and then, jumped on the bike - started training with the guys and did a crazy ride... really flat out go in a million miles an an hour just wiping ourselves out.