HSjN 191.1

HSjN 191.1

Out with The Old and In With The New...2016 Deal Breakers For You

January 06, 2016

Welcome everyone to a BRAND NEW YEAR of The ChickS.H.Y.T. & Real Talk Radio Show...where this chick'll Surely Have You Talkin...

2015 has ended with a bang and hopefully some lessons learned by all. But we all know that, just as faith with works is dead so is knowledge without application. Tonight, on the first show of the brand new year... tthe time of year when our  "out with the old and in with the new" attitude is at an all time high, world-wide...The Diva and her Dudes wanna know what shyt you tolerated in 2015 that are now your 2016 Deal Breakers are?

The new year brings on new opportunities for change and growth. Sj has a special guest that will be joining The Diva and her Dudes to help invoke some old school knowledge into some of these new school issues. Auntie Annabelle Jones. You won't wanna miss her!

Dj can't wait to get into "Ain't That Some S.H.Y.T." 

Reality and Chocolate are gonna "Pour Some Syrup On It"

We wanna hear from you. Tune in by calling (347) 857-4326 press 1 to join the conversation.