HSjN 191.1

HSjN 191.1

Coming Back From Crazy...You Can Do It

December 02, 2015

Welcome welcome welcome everyone to The ChickS.H.Y.T. & Real Talk Radio Show where this Chick'll Surely Have You Talkin...

Have you ever been accused of having anger issues? Are you a chronic over-reactor? Do the smallest things really piss you off? Has you ever been told that it's your 'attitude' that makes it difficult to deal with you? If you answered "Yes" to these questions...CHANCES ARE that you may be just a bit CRAZY! Lol...seriously, though

The QUESTION is...jus how deep is YOUR crazy and can you come back from it? Is it a crazy born of circumstances or heredity? Are ALL the mofo's in your family at LEAST 4oz short of a 6 pack?

Well...we gonna talk about it! We've also got a few tips on how to COME BACK FROM CRAZY to go on to have much deserved happiness and success in your existing relationships and those that have yet to manifest.

Tune in (347) 857-4326 and press 1 to join in on the conversation with your question or comment. We'll also be answering random questions from some of our listeners and FB followers. If you'd like YOUR question answered LIVE on the air, you can email your question to ChickSHYT@gmail.com...OR...you can ask your question in our FB Group with #LetsTalkLive