HSjN 191.1

HSjN 191.1

When What's On The Outside Matches What's On The Inside

August 05, 2015

Welcome, welcome, welcome everyone to The ChickS.H.Y.T. & Real Talk Radio Show, where these chicks'll Surely Have You Talkin...

Have you ever met someone that was just gorgeous to look at, but once they open their mouths nothing but nastiness spews out? What about the reverse, where the person isn't the best to look at but their personality is just the best?

If you are anything like me, the person with the nasty attitude started to look unattractive to me, while the person with the wonderful personality seemed to turn into a hunk right before my eyes. The reason is simple...their outsides started to mirror what was on the inside. That inner ugly has overshadowed that outward beauty!

So if you find yourself miserable and can't quite figure out why...could be that what's on the inside needs to change. Let The Divas help you out with just how to do that. 

Tune in and join the conversation (347) 857-4326, press 1 to talk to The Divas!