Charred Hearts

Charred Hearts

Episode 4 – Relationship Drama In-Game

November 22, 2014

Saturday, November 22, 2014   |   Charred Hearts Episode #4   |   Hosts:  Kali (NerdiChar) & Adam (RandomGeek)
Special Guests:  none
♫[show intro]♫

Kali:  Welcome back to Charred Hearts! It is Saturday, November 22, 2014 at 10:00pm Eastern Time and this is episode 4.
We are your weekly podcast all about nerd love and everything that goes along with that. Think of us as your very own “Loveline for nerds.” That means for the show to be successful, we absolutely need listener input! No subject or question is off limits, and you can be as vulgar as you want. Just remember our disclaimer – this podcast and any advice given is for entertainment purposes only. We are not medical doctors!
I am your host Kali, a.k.a. NerdiChar. We have been MIA for the last 3 weeks, I am so sorry guys! There were power outages, BlizzCons, and sore throats, but we are back in full force and ready to help with your questions. I’m looking forward to Gluttony Day, how about you Adam?
Adam:  [response – introduction, what have you been up to, etc]
Kali:  Just a reminder that later in the show we will open up the live chat feature on to answer your questions related to the show topic. Right now, it’s time for some foreplay.
♫[insert sound byte]♫
Kali:  This week’s story comes from Ars Technica, titled “Twitch to streamers: no shirt, no service.” I’m sure many of you have already heard about Twitch’s new policy. Adam, what were your thoughts when you heard about this?
Adam:  [describe the new policy, give your take on the article and the new policy, start the discussion]
potential discussion points:

“Nerds are sexy, and you’re all magnificent, beautiful creatures, but let’s try and keep this about the games, shall we?” They have a point – female gamers rely far too much on cuteness and sexiness to get anywhere in the gaming world. Why don’t you try relying on skill instead?
On the flip side, I am all about freedom of expression. If your channel is labeled as Adult, then who the fuck cares. I should be able to stream naked or half-naked if I want to. That being said, there are other sites men and women can use for this, and you can use them to make money if you really wanted to. i.e.,
I wasn’t necessarily keenly aware of this being a hugely popular thing on Twitch
Do you think this will negatively impact their site traffic?
Will it have a positive impact on the gaming community?

Kali:  [more responses to Adam’s feedback, go into a back and forth discussion]
Kali:  Make sure to check out the link to this article in the show notes.
Link to the article:
Kali:  We’re moving on to our main topic, so I am opening live chat on This week we are addressing guild/corp/etc. drama as a result of relationships (IRL or e), flirting, and/or break-ups.
Topics: (go through these 1 at a time with back and forth for each one)

Examples from our own experiences – what happened in your guild/corp/etc that you want to share with the audience
Any personal experiences with you and a significant other or love interest?
How to prevent it (talk about Months Behind on Mug’thol-WoW US)
What to do if it is happening
Suggestions for listeners that are involved with a significant other or flirting with someone in a guild/corp/etc
Merits/downsides of playing together vs. merits/downsides of only one person in the relationship playing
How it can be the woman’s fault vs. how it can be the man’s fault
Significant other who is bad but playing for the other person, has to be carried

Adam:  [response]
Kali:  Well, that about does it for Adam and I. Thanks for listening to episode 4 of Charred Hearts, and a very special thank you to those that joined in live chat! Let us know how we did, and what topics or segments you woul