Charred Hearts

Charred Hearts

Episode 2 – Breaking the Ice

October 11, 2014

Saturday, October 11, 2014   |   Charred Hearts Episode #2   |   Hosts:  Kali (NerdiChar) & Adam (RandomGeek)
Special Guests:  none
♫[show intro]♫

Kali:  Welcome back to Charred Hearts! It is Saturday, October 11, 2014 at 10:00pm Eastern Time and this is episode 2. For those of you counting, it is officially 27 days until BlizzCon 2014!
We are your weekly podcast all about nerd love and everything that goes along with that. Think of us as your very own “Loveline for nerds.” That means for the show to be successful, we absolutely need listener input! No subject or question is off limits, and you can be as vulgar as you want. Just remember our disclaimer – this podcast and any advice given is for entertainment purposes only. We are not medical doctors!
I am Kali, a.k.a. NerdiChar. I just have to say I had a blast kicking off the show last week, and we had some great listener input. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. I think my co-host feels the same. Adam?
Adam:  I am doing great this even excited for the second episode. It is funny because I haven’t had much interaction with the tinder app but a customer came into the retail locations that I work and brought up the app and he said how crazy women on their are. I had to do all I can to say something along the lines of you attract similar people to you.
Kali:  Just a reminder that later in the show we will open up the live chat feature on to answer your questions related to the show topic. But now, it’s time for some foreplay.
♫[insert sound byte]♫
Kali:  This week’s story comes from The Huffington Post, titled “If You Say Any One Of These Things On A First Date, Kiss That Second Date Goodbye.”
Adam:  [give your take on the article, start the discussion]
potential discussion points:

our own personal screw ups/things dates said to us that were weird and made us not talk to them again
stories from friends/family
viewer input from the Twitch chat?
talking about exes
talking about drama of any kind, really
no PC topics – politics, religion, etc, unless you already know you have these in common. BAD idea.

Kali:  [more responses to Adam’s feedback, go into a back and forth discussion]
Kali:  Make sure to check out the link to this article in the show notes.
Link to the article:
Kali:  We’re moving on to our main topic, so I am opening live chat on A listener asked that we talk about how to break the ice when meeting a girl for the first time or sending a message on a dating website or app. We are also going to talk a little about ways to make your online dating profile more appealing.
Topics: (go through these 1 at a time with back and forth for each one?)

talk about topics in common – interests, being from the same town, etc.
if you have a decent sense of humor, make them laugh
compliment them, but actually mean it – make the compliment something meaningful instead of shallow
if in a game, ask them to do something with you – quest, legacy run, etc.
be bold – just straight up ask them out!
self-confidence is HUGE. don’t be wishy washy.

Spruce up your dating profile: (same talking concept)

Give enough details about yourself to catch the interest of the reader, but don’t give so much away that they don’t want to message you to find out more. If you’ve ever worked in sales, honestly, it is no different. You are truly selling yourself on these sites.
Spelling, grammar, punctuation – you look stupid when you don’t worry about this stuff. I have honestly skipped past guys that I found attractive/had common interests with because I am a freaking grammar nazi.
Good photos! SO IMPORTANT. Duck face, super close up shots, ambiguous/artsy/weird photos, being almost naked – these do not portray a good image. And don’t