Charlotte Readers Podcast

Charlotte Readers Podcast

An Explosive Divorce Leads to a Hitchcockian Scheme in Steven Grossman’s Debut, “Palimony”

October 08, 2021

In this episode 251, we visit with Steven Grossman, author of “Palimony,” in which two recently divorced men attempt to con their way out of paying alimony by wooing each other’s ex-wives. When he falls in love with his target, he finds himself in a heap of unintended consequences.

Set in Charlotte, NC, this romantic comedy flips the script and tells the story of a marriage gone wrong, a Hitchcockian scheme, and some local flavor.

Morris Ardoin, author of “Stone Motel: Memoirs of a Cajun Boy,” had this to say about the book, “Steve Grossman gives us an insider's lived-in view on the absurdities of life, love, and, well, divorce, and does so with sharply written prose, hilarious dialogue, and a hard-to-put-down narrative that pushes the reader to the brink and then gently nudges him over the edge. All done in great tension and suspense, and with just enough romantic sweetness to balance the tang of the journey these unforgettable characters have taken on.”

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