Charlotte Readers Podcast

Charlotte Readers Podcast

High School Sweethearts Reminisce and Reconnect in Walter Bennett’s “The Last First Kiss”

September 28, 2021

In this episode 248, we visit with Walter Bennett, author of “The Last First Kiss,” a meditative novel of love and last chances set against the backdrop of an oncoming hurricane in the Outer Banks.

Ace Sinclair welcomes his high school sweetheart, J’Nelle Reade, for a long weekend in his home in the Outer Banks for a weekend of reconnection and reminiscence. The duo search through their memories for betrayals, mistakes, missed chances, and hard truths. Meanwhile, a looming hurricane approaches swiftly, threatening to interrupt their weekend of memories.

New York Times Bestselling author Lee Smith had this to say about the book, “Here is the story of an American generation, the ’60s, of all our lost young loves, and a brilliant meditation on the passing and relevance of time. An approaching hurricane adds increasing drama to the revelations from the past and the growing attraction between these two absolutely real and deeply drawn characters. Walter Bennett has written a compulsively readable novel that rings true all the way through.”

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