Charlotte Readers Podcast

Charlotte Readers Podcast

Two Appalachian Nurses Traverse the Same Path a Generation Apart in Rose Senehi’s “Falling Off a Cliff”

September 24, 2021

In this episode 247, we visit with Rose Senehi, author of “Falling Off a Cliff,” a novel of the Appalachian Mountains, in which two women decades apart traverse the same path—one woman searching for her past, the other looking toward the future.

In the 1920’s Lula Mae traverses the harsh terrain of the Blue Ridge Mountains with another woman, a doctor determined to heal those in the oft-forgotten mountain community. Forty years later, Holly journeys to uncover the mysteries of her origins and search for the mother she’s never known.

Mark de Castrique, author of the Sam Blackman mystery series, had this to say about the book, “In Falling Off a Cliff, Rose Senehi plunges us into a world rich with a unique sense of time and place. This haunting tale is more than setting, more than a glimpse into the ways of a disappearing Appalachian culture, but rather a story of two strong women, a generation apart, whose sole ambition is to bring healing to their community despite the challenging terrain and suspicious attitudes. But for one of them, healing must also come from within as she searches for her lost past shrouded by a dark, impenetrable secret. The satisfying mixture of history and mystery yields a novel that will be remembered well beyond the turn of the last page.”

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