Charlotte Readers Podcast

Charlotte Readers Podcast

Rediscover Your Authentic Self in Holly Hughes’ Meditative Guide, “Real, Not Perfect”

August 27, 2021

In this episode 239, we visit with Holly Hughes, intuitive healer and author of “Real, Not Perfect: How to Become Your Happy, Authentic Self,” a guide for the lost, for healing past wounds, and breaking free from limiting beliefs.

Holly is an intuitive healer with a lifetime of experiences overcoming loss, trauma, and regaining self-worth and power. Using personal healing stories, guided meditations, mindfulness, and her own intuitive gifts, “Real, Not Perfect” provides a step-by-step process to regain your voice.

Clinical psychotherapist Danielle Duchatellier Boucree called the book “…informative, motivating and validating. It’s the absolute best combination of a warm, fuzzy blanket in front of a fireplace and that perky little cheerleader we all knew in high school. You will love how easy it makes being actionable with its workbook feature and how its meditations feel like they are customized for you. I plan on incorporating some of it in my private practice as a clinical psychotherapist. This is a must-have for everyone’s bookshelf.”

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