Charlotte Readers Podcast

Charlotte Readers Podcast

Ep 131 Under the Covers with Mary Bess Dunn

August 14, 2020

In this Under the Covers episode, we meet Mary Bess Dunn, author of the literary fiction book, “Fate Havens.”

“Fate Havens” is a set of inter-linked character driven stories that attempt to make sense of the world around us. The tales addresses societal expectations and the persistence of familial love. Again and again, the stories return to core questions: What is a good life? What do we owe to family? Dunn’s characters never settle into simple emotions, and many stories have an engaging mood of nostalgia, tinged with sadness.

Jennie Fields, author of “The Age of Desire,” calls the stories “exquisitely drawn tales of the fate we all face: hope vs. reality, love vs. aloneness and the desire to connect vs. the lonely human journey. Brilliant, insightful and touching, ‘Fate Havens’ leaves the reader thinking about the meaning of his own choices, her own life. A beautiful, insightful volume you won’t soon forget.”

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