Charlotte Readers Podcast

Charlotte Readers Podcast

Ep 114 [S6-07] Jack Grossman – “Child of the Forest”

June 16, 2020

In today’s episode, we meet Jack Grossman, co-author of “Child of the Forest,” a highly acclaimed nonfiction book about a young girl’s fight for life following the Nazi invasion of her small town in Eastern Poland.

“Child of the Forest” won the 2019 Best Indie Book Award in the non-fiction category, an IBPA Benjamin Franklin Silver Award and was a Finalist in The International Book Awards. Jack was nominated as Author of the Year by The Artists Music Guild Heritage Awards has spoken widely to students and adults about this story.

One reader calls the book a must read: “An incredibly riveting true story of a young girl’s tenacity to survive,” saying “we can all learn something from Charlene Perlmutter Schiff.”

Rabbi Jack Moline says of the real-life protagonist’s choice of love over revenge that “if this child of the forest can open her heart, what is preventing the rest of us?”

We start the show with Jack reading from the opening chapter, entitled “Liquidation,” where the mother of young Charlene is planning their escape.

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